
August 18, 2021 Pope Francis accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the diocese of

Sao José do Rio Preto

, in Brazil, presented by the bishop, Monsignor

Tomé Ferreira da Silva


The Brazilian media reported that in recent days the recording of a "hot" video call with another person in which he appeared naked had been disseminated by social networks. The Pope therefore appointed apostolic administrator of the "vacant see" Msgr. Moacir Silva, archbishop of Ribeirao Preto. 

Always today and always in Brazil, the Pope has appointed

Valdemir Ferreira dos Santos as

Bishop of the Diocese of


(Brazil), transferring him from the Diocese of Amargosa. .

Valdemir Ferreira dos Santos

was born on March 30, 1960 in Nova Canaã, Metropolitan Archdiocese of Vitória da Conquista, in the State of Bahia. He completed his studies in Philosophy at the Major Seminary of the Diocese of Teófilo Otoni and in the Faculdades Adamantinenses Integradas of São Paulo and those of Theology at the Pontifical Faculty Nossa Senhora da Assunção. He obtained a Licentiate in Biblical Theology from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas - Angelicum in Rome. On 6 September 1987 he was ordained a priest for the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Vitória da Conquista, where he held the position of coordinator of Catechesis and Vocations Pastoral; Spiritual Director of the Cursilhos de Cristandade Movement; professor in the Institute of Philosophy and in the Formation Center for the laity; parish priest;vice-rector and then rector of the Seminary of Philosophy; Rector of the Preparatory Seminary; director of the School of Formation of Permanent Deacons; Episcopal Vicar; Archdiocesan Treasurer; member of the Presbyteral Council and of the College of Consultors. In addition, he collaborated in the Coordination of the Catechesis of the Nordeste Regional 3 of the Conferência Nacional dos Bispos do Brasil (CNBB). On 17 March 2010 he was appointed Bishop of Floriano and received episcopal ordination on the following 30 May. On May 4, 2016 it was transferred to the Amargosa headquarters.he collaborated in the Coordination of Catechesis of the Nordeste Regional 3 of the Conferência Nacional dos Bispos do Brasil (CNBB). On 17 March 2010 he was appointed Bishop of Floriano and received episcopal ordination on the following 30 May. On May 4, 2016 it was transferred to the Amargosa headquarters.he collaborated in the Coordination of Catechesis of the Nordeste Regional 3 of the Conferência Nacional dos Bispos do Brasil (CNBB). On 17 March 2010 he was appointed Bishop of Floriano and received episcopal ordination on the following 30 May. On May 4, 2016 it was transferred to the Amargosa headquarters.