When asked about the progress of vaccination with the new coronavirus in an NHK poll, 18% said it was "good" and 75% said it was "slow".

NHK conducted a poll for three days from the 7th of this month using a method called "RDD" that calls fixed-line and mobile phone numbers randomly generated by computers for people aged 18 and over nationwide.

The number of people surveyed was 2,115, and 57%, or 1,214, responded.

Prime Minister Suga says he will work to ensure that all applicants can complete the vaccination early in October-November.

When asked about the progress of inoculation, 18% answered "successful" and 75% answered "slow".

When asked if they would travel or go home this summer, 9% said they would or did, 72% said they wouldn't, and 16% said they hadn't decided yet.