The day we realize we've jumped from young adulthood to middle age, we discover that we need some drastic changes to our entire system of life.

The fine lines around our eyes, or some of the transformations that happen to our bodies, may surprise us here thinking that we need to keep our bodies as healthy and youthful as possible.

Of course, it is best to follow these guidelines before you turn 40, but there is always a chance to start over.

Here are some expert tips and advice to keep you young on the cusp of your 40s.

  • Use an extra pillow to sleep

Gravity works during sleep to collect fluids around the lower eyelids, where the skin is soft and elastic, causing puffiness in the lower part of the eye, and to avoid puffiness, it is preferable to use an additional pillow under the head.

This will reduce the effect of gravity on the eye area and eyelids.

In addition, cooled metal spoons relieve puffy eyelids, as the metal stays cold long enough to be effective and have a strong effect.

  • Don't bend down and speak slowly

"People don't remember years and numbers, but they remember impressions."

To leave an impression of youth and vitality, be a bit more energetic already, be confident in your conversation, speak at a slower pace.

Fast speakers seem more anxious and tense;

When talking, be straight, stooped postures make you look older.

Be more energetic already and confident in yourself while talking (Pixabe)

  • Physical activity

Physical activity can make the mind more alert.

Jodi Cameron, professor of psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh, says that running on a treadmill makes the blood vessels that supply the brain with oxygen more wide.

Blood is the fuel that nourishes the mind, and aerobic exercise floods the body with endorphins, which improve thinking.

  • Choosing the right clothes

Obesity appears to be socially unacceptable everywhere and in every field, especially in the various fields of work.

Of course, it is not possible to lose weight in a short time, but it is possible to choose clothes that make us look more slim and proportionate.

It is not preferable to wear pleated clothes, whether pants or dresses, for people with full bodies, as the folds add a more puffy shape to the already full body.

It is preferable to wear monochromatic clothes, as the uniform color from head to toe makes you appear taller, and dark colors suit plump bodies.

And adding some mismatched colors in small touches such as a pocket kerchief, shoes or accessories gives a bold, youthful and elegant look.

Fashion experts stress that every person should wear what suits his body, as tight clothes show bloating of the body everywhere, while loose clothes make the person seem to disappear inside the clothes.

  • enough sleep

Going to bed one hour earlier than usual provides the energy of two cups of coffee the next day, and by contrast sleeping less than 6 hours reduces our performance both in business and socially.

A warm bath, with the scent of lavender, can stimulate the body's sleep response faster, and warming the feet by wearing cotton socks promotes a quicker onset of sleep.

Going to bed one hour earlier than usual gives the energy of two cups of coffee the next day (pixels)

  • Maintaining the health of the skin of the hands and the appearance of the nails

People notice hands in a big way, and it also affects the impression that a person makes on others. Rough hands and chipped nails give a person a bad appearance and leave a negative impression on him.

It is preferable to cut the nails, remove any bumps, and use a moisturizing cream or a little olive oil, so that the hand appears flexible and without wrinkles.

  • Drink enough fluids

Caffeine or large amounts of it should be avoided, and instead it is preferable to drink cold water with a few squeezes of lemon because it makes the sound deeper and richer, as well as improves the appearance of the skin and skin significantly because water is the most important reason for skin elasticity and hydration.

  •  fight stress

Stress and tension are one of the biggest causes of aging because stress causes unhealthy changes in the body, and increases the hormone cortisol, which breaks down collagen that rejuvenates the skin.

De-stressing isn't easy, but it's not impossible with some practice in positive thinking and trying to get rid of the problems that weigh you down.

Think about what makes you happy, and do it with a real desire and earnestness. Stay away from all bad relationships, and you'll look younger right away.

  • healthy food

We treat the phrase “healthy food” as if it does not concern us most of the time, but after 40, it must be taken seriously, as we really need foods that rejuvenate the skin and body, such as dark chocolate, fish, fruits and vegetables, while staying away from fats, sugar and starches, Pay attention to antioxidants such as green tea and natural fruit juices that reduce cardiovascular disease and arthritis.

  • Maintaining well-being as much as possible

When we turn 40 we want to enjoy the life we ​​wish we had, so although the road is not easy, this age seems to be the right age to give up destructive habits and destructive relationships. Peace and happiness are among the most important surefire ways to fight aging.