Chinanews, Beijing, August 9th, title: Waving the "terrorism" stick, what "tracing script" does the United States hold?

  Author Yan Yiqi

  Terrorism generally refers to propositions and actions that endanger social security through "violence, intimidation, coercion and other means to achieve political, ideological and other purposes."

Corresponding to the keywords of this definition, it is not difficult to find that what the United States has done on the issue of the traceability of the new crown virus has a typical terrorism color.

The United States, which has always regarded itself as a "anti-terrorist fighter", has swung the terrorism stick to the scientific community this time, using special agents to conduct "tracking investigations", coercing and suppressing scientists, and painstakingly concocting "tracking scripts". What is it?

  In fact, the United States has been spreading virus stigmatization all over the world since the last US government called out the first "Chinese virus".

The United States has also tried to tie China and even Asian countries to the origin of the new crown virus, which has led to a high level of anti-Asian sentiment in the United States and some Western countries. Many Asians suffer discrimination, oppression and even personal threats for no reason, and live in terror and anxiety.

The United States has also extended its "black hands" to the scientific community and suppressed the just voices of scientific people, causing many outspoken scientists to face personal attacks and threats of abuse.

Some media commented that the above-mentioned US practice is tantamount to "tracing the source of terrorism."

  Commentators pointed out that the United States has never regarded the traceability of the new crown virus as a public health issue, but as a stick to attack countries with different political positions.

It is true that the purpose of the American "tracing script" is not to ask science for answers to the mystery of the global pandemic of the new crown virus, but to exercise hegemony in the name of science to achieve the political goal of suppressing China.

  Enabling the intelligence department to lead the investigation, the American "traceability script" selected the wrong protagonist.

Virus tracing is essential to the prevention and control of infectious diseases, but it is a scientific problem in itself-the process of scientific research is complicated and requires a lot of manpower, time, and technical support.

Professional questions like "where did the virus originate" should be answered by scientists and public health experts. It is also common sense that scientific questions should be answered by scientists.

However, why did the United States choose to use intelligence agencies to investigate scientific issues so "not knowing common sense"?

  As we all know, in the past few years, from "washing powder" to "white helmet", the CIA has used various methods to catch the wind and catch the shadows and make things out of nothing to match and meet the government's political performance and desires.

But this time, the various words and deeds of the United States on the issue of virus origin are just a continuation of its "lie, deceive, and steal" script.

  To suppress scientists who speak rationally and objectively, the American-style "tracing script" is out of rhythm.

Since the outbreak of the new crown epidemic, the United States has continued to destroy the scientific research environment, coercing, inducing, and suppressing many scientists with professionalism in order to trace the source according to the "script" of the US director.

A European biologist disclosed on social media a few days ago that a WHO source and several researchers complained to him that as long as they support the China-WHO new crown virus traceability research conclusions, they will be met from the United States. And huge pressure from certain media, even threats and intimidation.

The American expert Peter Dazzak, who had come to China to conduct traceability research, was cut off from the research funding by the National Institutes of Health because he was fair to China.

Anderson, an Australian scientist who worked at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, was frequently harassed and personally threatened because he refuted the "laboratory leak theory" with his personal experience, and had to call the police for help.

Why is the United States so afraid of fair and objective research findings?

As Russian virologist Lviv said, "These Americans do not want virologists to tell the truth about the epidemic."

  "Political kidnapping" of WHO experts, with the intent of manipulating key WHO issues, American "traceable scripts" caused endless harm.

Recently, the World Health Organization unilaterally proposed the second phase of the virus traceability work plan, which included the hypothesis of "China's violation of laboratory procedures causing virus leakage" as one of the key points. This was a joint study with WHO international experts and Chinese experts. The conclusion does not match the recommendation.

The international scientific community pointed out that “the U.S. government is sparing no effort to rebuild U.S. influence in the World Health Organization, and is trying to dominate key issues. Under continuous pressure from the United States, the traceability work of the World Health Organization may become a political tool of the United States.”

  The U.S. brandishing the "tracing terrorism" stick has caused great disruption to global cooperation and scientific anti-epidemic efforts, and has posed a great threat to the lives of people in all countries, including the American people-the number of confirmed cases and deaths of the new crown in the United States so far Firmly occupy the first place in the world.

  The farce will eventually end, and the truth will not be absent.

The "tracing script" concocted by the United States cannot deceive the international community, and its attempt to politicize the traceability will certainly fail, and its "tracing terrorism" actions will inevitably lead to widespread resistance and opposition from the international community.
