<Anchor> The

Democratic presidential primary is now turning around. Candidates Lee Jae-myung and Lee Nak-yeon said they would stop being negative, but many analyzes say that this truce is unlikely to last very long.

Correspondent Han Se-hyeon.


Candidate Lee Nak-yeon, who was asked, "Is the battle for resignation from the Gyeonggi governorship final?" one day after the proposal of a ceasefire by candidate Lee Jae-myung, the governor of Gyeonggi Province.

[Lee Nak-yeon / Democratic Party Presidential Candidate (TBS Radio): The resignation of the governorship itself, it is a matter of individual conscience, and people's taxes are being put into personal publicity that goes beyond the norm, this is another issue.] There

is no resignation for the time being


Lee Jae-myung's side dismisses the 'resignation theory' like this.

[Park Seong-joon/Lee Jae-myung, camp spokesperson (KBS Radio): The responsibility of the governor and the path the Democratic Party should take. For a consistent principle, it is appropriate to hold the office of governor and hold an election... .]

Can the gunshots of 'Myeongnak Daejeon', which started after the main election in the middle of last month, be stopped?

[Lee Jae-myung / Democratic Party presidential primary candidate (last month 22): Looking at past data, Candidate Lee (Nak-yeon) even made a scrum and even took physical actions to force the impeachment vote (former President Roh Moo-hyun)… .]

[Lee Nak-yeon / Democratic Party Presidential Election Candidate (Last 4th): (Lee Jae-myung was mayor of Seongnam) Exclude public officials involved in drunk driving and embezzlement from promotion, deprive them of bonuses (I did.) Have you ever?]

The analysis of a 'temporary truce' prevails between the verification and the negative, as they exchanged 'two-shot photos' with the person suspected of gangster in the accusation of the opposing camp officials.

CEO Song Young-gil, who has been glaring at whether he is on the side of 'Song Sim Lee' or Jae-myung Lee, had a dinner with Candidate Nak-yeon Lee, saying, "I will do my best to 'create a team'."

Candidate Choo Mi-ae suggested an integration with the pan-passport party, the Open Democratic Party, saying, "We need to prepare for a 'hard fight' with the opposition party. He worked hard to capture the hearts of the people.

(Video coverage: Park Jin-ho, Song Chang-geon TJB, Kim Jong-won KBC, Park Young-joon KBC, video editing: Park Jeong-sam) 

▶ "The first discussion will be held on the 18th"... Concerned about "going hooked in one shot"