Thunderstorms occur in conjunction with Cumulonimbus clouds, powerful village clouds that can cause thunder, and are recognizable by the typical cloud hose that hangs down from the underside of the village cloud.

- It is formed by a strong cloud vortex that is formed from the village cloud and sweeps down.

In the vortex, the air pressure becomes lower and therefore the air also condenses and the proboscis-like cloud is formed.

According to SVT's meteorologist Pia Hultgren, tornadoes can contain very high wind speeds locally, but in Sweden they are often small, between 10-100 m in diameter and at most up to a few km high.

- I do not know exactly when the picture was taken, but there have been a lot of flashes in southern Sweden today. The tornado in the viewing image looks very modest and does not even reach the ground. So I would say it is fairly harmless to us who are on the ground.