- We have strong seasonal changes in the northern latitudes.

We actually have unique values ​​with having such large seasonal differences in light intake and there are individuals who are sensitive to it, says sleep and stress researcher Arne Lowden.

The difference between clinical depression and seasonal depression is that the symptoms come at the same time each year.

It becomes clear to those affected that it happens in a similar way every year during the same period, says the licensed psychologist Agnes Mellstrand.

She also points out that there are big differences between mild, moderate and severe depression.

- It is about functional level, we must distinguish between normal depression during the autumn and those who really suffer from the seasonal depression.

The victims feel that their level of functioning is plummeting.

They can not manage their relationships and working life.

Prevent depressive disorders

Sometimes self-care can feel too challenging, so it is important to prevent it.

- You can contact a psychologist to just prevent so that you do not go so deep in that depression spiral, says leg.

psychologist Agnes Mellstrand.

- Also try to map your behavior and what happens when you enter the fall.

Map warning signs, ie signs that you are entering a depression to more easily see how you can bring in something that helps you stay afloat. 

In the clip below, you will hear the psychologist's tips on how to deal with the autumn depression.