The United States has never done less to pit its allies (Wanghailou·Beginning of American Hegemony ⑦)

  Don't think that the plots in "Eavesdropping" and "The Matrix" only exist in the movies.

The United States, which has always described itself as a "city on the hill" and "a beacon of democracy," has repeatedly used eavesdropping, surveillance and cyber-attacks to perform more bizarre plots in reality than movies.

  On May 30, the United States was exposed to the "Danish Gate" wiretapping scandal.

The Danish Broadcasting Corporation reported that a top-secret investigation code-named "Operation Dunhammer" completed by a working group of the Danish Defense Intelligence Agency in May 2015 showed that between 2012 and 2014, the US National Security Agency used Danish submarine Internet cables to land points , Monitor text messages and phone conversations of dignitaries in Germany, France, Norway, Sweden, and the Netherlands.

  From "WikiLeaks" to "Prism Gate", from "Formula Organization" to "Echelon System", the United States has been doing things that use allies to monitor allies and use allies to pit allies.

  As recognized as the world's number one "Matrix" and the most powerful country in science and technology, the United States is a real threat to global data network security.

The United States not only has electronic hegemony—electronic intelligence gathering bases all over the world, but also Internet hegemony—control of the global Internet root server.

The "technical content", scale, and intensity of the global eavesdropping in the United States is unmatched: the surveillance targets are fully covered, from politicians and even the leaders of close allies to the ordinary people around the world; the surveillance range is fully covered, not only stealing mobile phone text messages and phone content It also steals Internet search content and chat information, etc.; the stealing methods are fully covered, using analog mobile phone base station signals to access mobile phones to steal data, control mobile phone applications, invade cloud servers, steal secrets through submarine optical cables, and have nearly 100 overseas stations in the United States. Monitoring equipment is installed in the embassies and consulates to steal secrets from the host country and so on.

  Why is the United States so obsessed with eavesdropping and monitoring cyber attacks on the world?

The head of the German Bundestag’s Committee to Investigate the Spy Scandal of the National Security Agency of the United States, Sensberg, said: The operation of intelligence agencies has nothing to do with friendship or ethical desires, but only with interests.

  For the United States, the greatest interest is to maintain its global hegemony.

For this "great" goal, the United States has never resorted to any means.

Eavesdropping on the world can enable the United States to achieve one-way transparency with other countries. Whether it is economic, political, diplomatic, or military, it can be one step ahead and take the initiative. The "sweetness" is really tempting.

  At the end of 2020, the Danish media exposed that the United States was conducting espionage activities against the Danish defense industry and other European defense contractors, trying to obtain commercial information about the opponent’s fighter procurement plan, and helping the F-35 fighter manufactured by Lockheed Martin in the United States. , Won the Danish military procurement bid in June 2016.

  In fact, after World War II, the United States, even when it joined forces with NATO allies to contend with the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact, left a hand for its own people and has been closely monitoring the policy directions, economic activities, and personal lives of all its allies.

The series of surveillance scandals that have been exposed in recent years are but the "tip of the iceberg" of the United States eavesdropping on the world.

  On the one hand, the United States is obsessed with unscrupulously conducting large-scale and indiscriminate eavesdropping and eavesdropping on the world. On the other hand, it frequently commits crimes in the field of "network security".

According to "WikiLeaks", the US Security Agency and the CIA jointly implemented the "turbulence project" to automatically implement cyber attacks on targets with important intelligence value on a global scale.

The US Security Bureau and the British Government Communications Headquarters jointly launched the "Dish Fire" project to carry out cyber attacks on various servers of telecom operators around the world, and penetrate into the network to obtain communication data.

  This is the United States. Last year, it launched the "Clean Network Plan" of "Thieves Call and Catch Thieves", and tried to persuade and even coerce more countries and regions to join the so-called "Clean Network Alliance", declaring that it will be used in operators, applications, application stores, and cloud Five areas, including cables, to counter the so-called "China threat."

But what is strange is that the United States, which is the best in intelligence, cannot produce any evidence that Chinese companies endanger cybersecurity.

  What the United States is really worried about is not that other countries' technologies pose a threat to the so-called "cybersecurity" of the United States, but that it will not be able to continue to monitor the world without hindrance through the backdoors set up by American companies.

Some foreign media can understand-the US investigative news website "Interceptor" published an article saying that if anyone wants to build a surveillance country all over the world, it is the United States.

The United States has been "playing" with the Internet for decades, how can it mention "cleanliness" anymore?

  Trust is an important air of friendship. How much this air decreases, the friendship will disappear accordingly.

In the short term, the United States, which relies on its hegemony to listen to the world wantonly, has indeed reaped huge practical benefits, and it has also reaped the pleasure of controlling the world.

But this is in exchange for undermining trust, and the overdraft is the national credibility of the United States.

  (The author is a commentator for this newspaper)