Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it gives the body the necessary elements to perform its functions optimally throughout the day, in addition to speeding up the metabolism and avoiding obesity.

In a report published by the Russian FB website, writer Olga Ivanovna says that a healthy morning meal should contain foods rich in protein and fiber, warning against some bad habits related to this meal, which may cause weight gain.

  • skip breakfast

Ignoring breakfast for the sake of various daily obligations causes serious health damage, as feeling hungry and delaying meals leads to excessive eating during the day, which disrupts the digestion process and causes the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area.

And if you can't eat at home, it's best to take a boiled egg and fresh fruit to the office and not postpone your morning meal until later.

  • Eat breakfast quickly

Eating breakfast too quickly leads to bloating due to poor digestion, so it is very important to chew your food well before swallowing it.

  • Consuming a lot of carbohydrates

Many people like to eat croissants, bread or cereal for breakfast, but these foods contain carbohydrates, while the body needs proteins in the morning.

A lack of protein leads to low blood sugar and a rapid feeling of hunger.

An omelette with vegetables or Greek yogurt rich in fresh fruit is a protein-rich breakfast.

The body needs proteins in the morning, not carbohydrates (pixels)

  • Eat low-fat pastries

Pastries such as cakes or muffins are marketed as low-fat, and many people mistakenly believe they are low in calories. In fact, these products are high in calories and contain little protein.

In order for the body to obtain the necessary nutrients, breakfast should be balanced in terms of the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

  • Ready-to-eat breakfasts

It is best, according to the author, to avoid ready-made breakfasts and make time to cook the morning meal.

Ready meals contain large amounts of sugar, for example, flavored oatmeal can contain up to 20 grams of sugar, while granola contains 17 grams.

Within half an hour of eating such products, you may feel hungry again, so it is recommended to eat whole grains or oats with the addition of almonds and berries, as these foods contain sufficient amounts of fiber, vitamins and minerals that enhance the body with energy for a long time.

Granola contains 17 grams of sugar (Getty Images)

  • Drink coffee with sugar

Drinking coffee with sugar in the morning enhances the desire to eat as soon as you get to the office.

Over time, this bad habit leads to weight gain, so you should control the amount of calories you get from your morning drinks and snacks.