A special envoy of the ASEAN-Association of Southeast Asian Nations, which mediates dialogue between Myanmar's military and pro-democracy forces, held a press conference on the 7th, but declined to say when to visit Myanmar, which is the focus.

It seems that we will proceed with negotiations with the military, emphasizing the results of visits such as visits with pro-democracy forces.

Brunei's Second Foreign Minister Elwan, who was appointed as a special envoy of ASEAN, held a press conference yesterday in Bandar Seri Begawan, the capital of Brunei.

According to Reuters, Mr. Elwan said of his visit to Myanmar as a special envoy, "The plan is underway. We need to make sure that we are well prepared when we go to the site." Avoided the statement.

Regarding the situation in Myanmar where the coup d'etat occurred, ASEAN agreed in April to immediately stop violence and dispatch a special envoy, and immediately dispatched Mr. Elwan, who was appointed as a special envoy, to Myanmar on the 4th of this month. I want to hurry to realize it.

However, it is unclear whether the Myanmar military will allow visits to democratic forces such as Aung San Suu Kyi under house arrest, and Mr. Elwan emphasizes the results of the visit and takes measures against the new coronavirus. It seems that they will proceed with negotiations with the military while showing their readiness to provide support at.