Twenty years before the September 11 attacks in the United States, the bereaved families sent a letter to President Biden.

He called for disclosure of documents and information about the cases that the government had previously classified as state secrets, and said he would oppose the president's attendance at the September 11 ceremony if he did not respond.

Regarding the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the bereaved families have alleged that Saudi Arabian government officials and surrounding persons were involved, as the mastermind Osama bin Laden and many of the perpetrators were from Saudi Arabia. However, successive administrations of the United States have not disclosed the results of the investigation as state secrets.

Approximately 1800 bereaved families sent a letter to President Biden and obtained it from a government investigation, according to local media reports on the 6th, 20 years before the incident next month. We requested that all information and documents received be disclosed.

If he does not respond, he said he would not welcome the president's attendance at a ceremony to be held in New York on the 11th of next month, and expressed his intention to oppose it.

President Biden has shown a willingness to disclose information in the presidential election last fall, and White House spokesman Saki revealed at a press conference that administration officials had consulted with representatives of the bereaved family. "There is no change in the position of keeping the president's promise," he emphasized.