• Copyright, Aie and Confindustria Cultura: "Regret for the Italian vote"

  • Copyright, The European Parliament approves the directive on (digital) copyright


15 April 2019 Definitive free go to the European Copyright reform: the EU Council has approved as point A, that is, without discussion, the directive amending the rules on copyright. The directive was approved 

at the end of March by the European Parliament


As announced, Italy voted against together with Sweden, Finland, Poland, Holland and Luxembourg. Abstained Slovenia, Estonia and Belgium.

Germany has had its protocol recorded in which it invites the commission, responsible for implementation, to avoid upload filters and censorship.

Among the most important innovations of the reform, the possibility (not the obligation) is given to print publishers to negotiate agreements with platforms to get paid for the use of their content. The proceeds will have to be shared with journalists. The right to bridge the gap between the revenues that large commercial platforms make by disseminating copyrighted content and the remuneration offered to musicians, artists or rights holders is recognized.

Users no longer risk penalties for uploading unauthorized copyrighted material online, but the responsibility will lie with large platforms such as Youtube or Facebook. There are no ex-ante filters but the obligation for the platforms to make the "maximum effort" to not make available the contents for which they do not have the rights. rapid complaint mechanisms are also mandatory, managed by people and not by algorithms, to appeal against an unjust deletion of a content.

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said: "With today's agreement, we have brought copyright rules up to the digital age. Europe will now have clear rules that ensure fair pay for creators. solid rights for users and responsibility for platforms. When it comes to completing the digital single market in Europe, copyright reform is the missing piece of the puzzle. "

"I am very happy that we have achieved a balanced text, creating many opportunities for the European creative sector, which will better reflect our cultural diversity, and for users, whose freedom of expression on the internet will be consolidated. It is a milestone for development. of a robust and well-functioning digital single market ", said Valer Daniel Breaz, Romanian minister of culture and current president of the EU Council.

"We have a balanced text that sets a precedent for the rest of the world to follow, putting citizens and creators at the center of the reform and introducing clear rules for online platforms," ​​commented the president of the Association of European Independent Music Producers (Impala ), Helen Smith. "The EU has shown itself to be a leader in advocating a fair, open and sustainable internet," he added.