There are many ways to eat potatoes, such as eating them mashed or fried, and despite our love for them, we always hear negative information about them;

For example, they contain a high percentage of carbohydrates, and perhaps this is what makes many people avoid them in their diet for fear of gaining weight or high blood sugar.

And writer Sarah Garon said - in her report published by the American magazine "EatThis" - that it is always advised to stay away from potatoes because they are unhealthy, but in fact they are rich in many nutrients beneficial to the body, especially potassium.

The writer stressed the importance of the body getting an adequate amount of potassium to regulate blood pressure, and thus reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

One large study found that the higher the proportion of sodium to potassium in the body, the greater the risk of cardiovascular disease.

She explained that potassium helps mitigate the effects of sodium on blood pressure.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, increasing potassium consumption can reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering blood pressure.

The percentage of potassium in potatoes varies according to its size and the soil in which it was grown (German)

The author pointed out that Americans suffer from a chronic deficiency of potassium.

As of 2012, less than 2% of adults in the United States consumed the recommended daily intake of 4,700 milligrams of this mineral.

And while potassium isn't a nutrient you often think about getting in—unless you suffer from muscle tremors—it's clear that it can make a difference to your overall health, not just the health of your heart.

It ensures that you get enough potassium to boost nerve function, help your muscles to contract, and prevent kidney stones from forming.

The percentage of potassium in potatoes varies according to its size and the soil in which it was grown.

According to the USDA, one medium baked potato contains 952 milligrams of potassium, which is 20 percent of the recommended daily allowance for adults.

In general, potatoes are one of the foods that contain a high percentage of potassium, and to get the most benefit from these starchy vegetables, it is recommended to eat them without salt.