China News Service, Bangor County, Tibet, August 4 (Reporter Sun Zifa) China's second comprehensive scientific exped Since Lhasa’s expedition, on the plateau over 4,000 meters above sea level, he has been eating and sleeping, traveling nearly 4,000 kilometers day and night, and has completed many typical plateaus such as Langcuo, Gongzhucuo, Jiezechaka, Bangongcuo, Dazecuo, Cueohu, etc. During the lake scientific research, a batch of high-quality lake core and sediment samples were collected.

The scientific expedition team rested temporarily on the drilling platform of the plateau lake when they were tired.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Sun Zifa

  Traveling between the "faults again and again" of the plateau lakes, what is the difference between the work and life of the field surgery examination on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau for more than half a month and the ordinary scientific research work in the low-altitude plain areas and cities?

The scientific expedition team members work on the "roof of the world". What are the characteristics of clothing, food, housing and transportation?

The scientific expedition team dines on the shore of the plateau lake.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Sun Zifa

 Clothing: Jackets, life jackets, water pants, etc. are all necessary

  Although it is summer, on the high-altitude, high-cold Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the average outdoor temperature is roughly equivalent to late autumn and early winter in the plains, and the temperature difference between morning and evening and noon is very strong, and the ultraviolet rays are also very strong. In addition, the plateau climate is also very variable. And quickly, severe weather such as squally winds, showers, hail and even snow came all the time and caught people off guard.

  Therefore, in terms of work clothes for high-altitude scientific research, outdoor jackets with fleece or down, wide-brimmed sun hats, sunglasses, face towels to cover the face and neck, as well as various sunscreen and UV protection products, must be "fully armed." Get up in a carry-on outfit.

  The scientific expedition team mainly conducts investigations on representative plateau lakes. The team members need to carry out operations on lakes of various sizes. In addition to jackets, life jackets and jumpsuits for near-shore launching are also necessary.

After wearing all these clothes, the scientific expedition team members looked a bit bloated and awkward like penguins, and their actions were quite inconvenient, but they could provide a basic guarantee for the safety and effectiveness of operations on the lake.

The scientific expedition team dines on the shore of the plateau lake.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Sun Zifa

Food: To set up camp, you need to "start a new stove" to eat "big pot rice"

  As the saying goes: "Human is iron, rice is steel, so you panic if you don't eat half a meal."

  When conducting scientific expeditions on the plateau lakes near the towns, the problems of three meals a day for the expedition team members are relatively easy to solve.

However, in scientific research sites far away from residential areas, especially plateau lakes where camps are needed on the shores of the lake, the scientific research team must use the liquefied gas tanks, gas stoves, a full set of pots and pans, etc., to "start a new stove." Some simple ingredients purchased by the town made a big pot of steaming meals. The team members then took bowls and scooped up some meals according to their respective appetites, or squatted or stood in the corner of the camp on the shore to have a meal together.

  This is just the scene at the camp before departure or after returning. Most of the time, the expedition team members set out early in the morning to work in the deepest part of the lake. In order to save time and improve work efficiency, they can only rely on lunch for a whole day. Simply deal with bread, water, etc. to satisfy your hunger.

The scientific expedition team rested temporarily on the drilling platform of the plateau lake when they were tired.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Sun Zifa

Live in: squeezing tents and laying on the floor are commonplace

  Similar to the problem of eating, it is also very important to solve the problem of field surgery test and to ensure that the team members have a good rest and recover their strength in time.

  The scientific expedition team also tried their best to find hotels in towns near the inspection sites. However, facing many remote plateau lakes where there are no shops in front of the village, it is natural to set up camps on the lakeshores and squeeze tents and shop on the ground.

During this trip, tents have been set up on the shore of Jieze Chaka Lake for two nights, and tents have been laid out on the shore of Lake Co-E for two nights.

On August 3, the scientific expedition team took samples in Bamu Co, Bangor County, Tibet, and was blocked by strong winds and waves on the lake. That night, they had no choice but to camp on the shore.

The scientific expedition team prepares to rest in the tent when they camp.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Sun Zifa

  On the night of camping, the scientific expedition team members each curled up in a small sleeping bag and fell asleep. Although it is a bit exaggerated to say that you have to shout one, two, three when you turn over, the accommodation conditions are indeed very simple and difficult.

In addition, it is extremely inconvenient to set up camp to wash, go to the toilet, etc., taking a bath is even more talkative, usually with a wet tissue to wipe the face, hands and feet perfunctory.

The scientific expedition team dines on the shore of the plateau lake.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Sun Zifa

Line: Four off-road vehicles and a large truck shuttle through the plateau

  The second Qinghai-Tibet scientific expedition "history of human activities and its impact" team traveled thousands of kilometers in this plateau, and the distance between adjacent lakes was hundreds of kilometers. There are also lake drilling platforms, inflatable speedboats, gravity drill samplers, etc. Scientific research equipment, as well as the work and living materials of the scientific research team members.

  In order to ensure the smooth implementation of scientific expedition tasks, the scientific expedition team formed a convoy consisting of 4 off-road vehicles and 1 large truck. The five experienced drivers arranged and coordinated their actions in a unified manner. A solid foundation was laid for scientific research on plateau lakes.

  In the event of an emergency in the high-altitude scientific expedition, it is also necessary to drive on foot.

In the afternoon of the first day of the scientific expedition, the inflatable speedboat used by the expedition team was pushed to the shore of the lake about 3 kilometers away from the camp because of the heavy wind and waves on the lake, and the vehicle could not drive past.

At the critical moment, the leader of the scientific expedition team and researcher Hou Juzhi of the Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences rushed from the camp to the sandy land along the lakeshore to meet with the expedition team members, personally drive the inflatable speedboat and direct the completion of the scientific expedition.

  However, to carry out scientific expeditions on the surface of plateau lakes, off-road vehicles and trucks can only stand by the shore, and expedition team members rely on inflatable speedboats and lake drilling platforms promoted by them.

  Although the food, clothing, housing and transportation of the second Qinghai-Tibet scientific expedition team have many inconveniences and particularly hard work, the scientific expedition team members laughed and said that as long as the scientific expedition sampling task can be successfully completed, the follow-up will provide basic data for the study and reconstruction of the ancient ecology of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Everything is worth it".
