• Great dilemmas of Spanishness Gazpacho is the opening act for salmorejo

In the natural order of commercial strategies, nothing is more far-fetched than a soluble chocolate that is literally insoluble in its application. Or unsolvable. That, whatever we get, is Cola Cao, breakfast and a snack. One can spend a whole morning winding up the bowl with the teaspoon or, in the maximum exponent of the overuse of resources, use the Thermomix itself at maximum speed to eliminate those lumps. But no,

when we woke up the lump was still there

. Grumo, what a beautiful word.

And yet, it is precisely that, the lump, the key to its success among, at least, the Spanish, some subjects, is shown, unable to say no to any problem without a solution that crosses its path. Everything is to make it clear that in our crudest idiosyncrasy, aggressive stubbornness, stubborn


or stony and immovable self-confidence are gifts from heaven rather than what they really are: obstacles to coexistence.

This could be the most elementary interpretation of what the polls reflect. Regardless of age, political orientation, or gender,

Average Spanish (the opposite of Middle Spanish) repudiates the easy path offered with progressive arrogance by Nesquik

. With slight variations, almost two out of three (60% versus 30%) prefer to whip milk as if our lives were completely oblivious to the fact that it is a useless exercise. Perhaps in youth up to 29 years (50.5% versus 45.4%) we are somewhat more skeptical (or comfortable), or perhaps the natural sensible of the woman less given to the useless and testosterone confrontation (56, 6% versus 36.1%) tends to slightly correct the insoluble dilemma, but

the proportion remains stable even among the voters of the PSOE and the PP so little given to agree, or to make soluble

, nor what the Constitution requires.

The table does not collect the excuses for so excessive and joyous, let's admit it, nonsense, but we know them well. What if the pleasure of eating the remains of the powder by the spoonful, what if the aesthetic grace of the black cocoa mane, what if the memories of childhood, what if the cyclist who is the master of the track takes it, what if the Spanish production in front of the multinational ... In reality, everything is nothing more than self-deception so as not to end up admitting the unequivocal grace of, once again, the group.

El grumo is a curd of resistance against logic, a vindication of the own and tribal against the enlightened foreign, by Agustina de Aragón instead of the short encyclopedists


The point is to accept the paradox of an insufficient Enlightenment, of a territorial administration that there is no way to fit in, of an imperialism without an empire, of a science emptied of budget, of a just because and for my guts, of the cry of Let's go Spain !

Einstein said that if he had an hour to solve a problem, he would spend 55 minutes analyzing it and five minutes solving it.

Well no, his thing, ours, is to spend the entire hour with each of his 60 minutes to annihilate him.

The lump is Spain.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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