Chinanews, Beijing, August 4th, title: Coerced scientists, what does the United States want to cover up?

  Author: Li Nan

  In order to confirm the "Chinese laboratory leaking virus theory" made by itself, the US government can be said to be deliberate and exhausted.

American medical expert Peter Hotz recently issued an article saying that a group of ultra-conservative U.S. congressmen and other public officials with extreme right leanings are launching an organized and seemingly well-coordinated attack on famous American biological scientists.

  These attacked scientists have received e-mail threats, or were pressured by some media to "change their tune", or were harassed by online violence on social media, or were stalked at home, and even their relatives and friends were also implicated.

All signs show that the United States is escalating its anti-science attacks and has created an unprecedented culture of anti-science intimidation.

  It is well known by passers-by that the United States has intimidated the hearts of scientists.

According to reports, the American experts in the "Lancet" New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic Committee's Epidemic Traceability Task Force were "threatened" and pressured to abandon the theory of natural origin with sufficient scientific evidence and instead support the "laboratory leak theory"; In January of this year, American scientist Peter Dazzak, as a member of the WHO international expert group, went to Wuhan to conduct a joint traceability study. He was attacked by the United States because he publicly fought back against the US media’s slander that “China is obstructing WHO’s traceability research in Wuhan”. The political arena threatened to withdraw from the research project on the traceability of the new crown virus.

It can be seen that the United States' suppression of scientists is nothing but exhaustive means and will firmly tighten the big net of smearing China.

  In fact, not only American scientists are under this coercion, but some honest scientists in the world have suffered greatly.

The Australian scientist Anderson, who worked at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and used his own experience to refute the "laboratory leak theory", was frequently abused and intimidated; Russian virologist and WHO expert Lviv revealed that he included himself in Many WHO experts in China are facing pressure from the United States, "These Americans do not want virologists to tell the truth about the epidemic."

What’s even more ridiculous is that in order to firmly “lock in” the origin of the virus in China, someone in the Hudson Institute in the United States suggested to post a “reward order”, preparing to spend 10-15 million U.S. dollars to lure personnel from Wuhan Institute of Virology. Rebellion, let them go to the United States to "acknowledge" the problem and tell the "truth" to the world.

  Coercing scientists around the world to contain China is, of course, a consistent operation of the United States to "shake the pot" of responsibility, cover up the truth, and divert attention.

On the one hand, the US government's ineffective epidemic prevention has caused a large number of infections and deaths.

The latest statistics from Johns Hopkins University show that the cumulative number of confirmed cases in the United States has exceeded 35 million, and the number of deaths has exceeded 614,000.

  On the other hand, the United States' biological laboratories all over the world have aroused more and more questions, especially the Fort Detrick Biological Laboratory, which is the base camp of the United States' biomilitarization activities.

Deborg has been engaged in research and transformation of coronavirus for a long time. In 2019, a serious safety accident occurred and was shut down. Subsequently, a disease similar to the symptoms of new coronary pneumonia broke out in the United States.

What exactly are American biological laboratories researching?

Is it responsible for the new crown epidemic?

The United States has so far kept secrets about this, but will only blindly "dump" China.

  Scientists are not a political tool of the United States, but to pave the way for the development, progress and well-being of all mankind.

Scientists in the world who understand their mission and understand right and wrong will not be deterred by the political power of the United States.

Because behind them there are human justice forces far stronger than American political forces.
