The first incident for which the man is charged occurred outside an Östersund restaurant last winter.

The man must then, according to the prosecutor, have threatened a woman by saying that he would wait for her "in every alley" and that he would "kill her".

The second point in the indictment took place at another Östersund restaurant during the spring.

The man must then have gone to verbal attack on a woman and shouted out threats of violence.

The woman who was threatened at that time is demanding that the man pay damages of SEK 10,000 for the violation she experienced.

Shouted at staff

The third charge occurred at the same restaurant during the same spring evening.

The man is then said to have bent over a female waiter and in front of the entire restaurant shouted at her that she was "stupid in the head" on repeated occasions.

The woman is demanding SEK 5,000 in damages for the violation she was subjected to.

The accused man denies crime on all counts.