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03 August 2021 The Senate Chamber definitively approved the Cybersecurity Decree already approved by the Chamber with 204 yes, 3 no and 23 abstentions. The provision defines, in particular, the national cybersecurity architecture and establishes the National Cybersecurity Agency, amending, among other things, the 2019 decree law which defined the national cyber security perimeter.

Cyber ​​security constitutes, is highlighted in the parliamentary dossier dedicated to the provision, one of the interventions envisaged by the Pnrr (cybersecurity, it is recalled, is one of the 7 investments in the digitization of the PA).

Approximately 620 million euros are earmarked for the investment aimed at creating and strengthening the infrastructures linked to the country's cyber protection. The discipline definitively licensed by Palazzo Madama defines, in particular, the national cyber security system which has at its top the President of the Council of Ministers who is attributed 'the top management and general responsibility for' cybersecurity policies' .

It will therefore be the Prime Minister who will appoint and dismiss the Director General and Deputy Director General of the new National Cybersecurity Agency. Appointments of which Copasir and the competent parliamentary commissions must be informed in advance.

The Decree also establishes the Interministerial Committee for Cybersecurity, with the functions of advising, proposing and supervising the policies of the sector. The Cybersecurity Agency prepares the national cybersecurity strategy by taking on tasks, reads the dossier developed by the Chamber and Senate technicians, hitherto attributed to various subjects, such as the Ministry of Economic Development, the Presidency of the Council, the Department of information and security, the Agency for Digital Italy.

The new body is called upon to promote initiatives for the development of skills and abilities. The Italian Csirt (the Computer security incident response team) and the National Assessment and Certification Center (Cvcn) are also transferred to the Agency.