In the hunting year 2019-2020, 225 red deer were killed in the county.

But often the goal is not reached for how many red deer to be shot each year.

The shy red deer is described as difficult to hunt at the same time as moose hunting is the priority, according to the county administrative board. 

What responsibility does the county administrative board take to achieve the hunting goals? 

- We try to make demands on the crown management areas so that they set relevant plans.

We also have a dialogue so that management areas and hunters become aware of the landowners' problems and can act, says Erik Lindberg.

Hard to hunt

Thomas Eriksson, chairman of the Järnäs Peninsula's crown management area, agrees that more needs to be done.

It is a challenge to hunt red deer, he says. 

- They use all their senses.

It's like a whole new hunt.  

"Can not be eradicated" 

The Swedish Farmers' Association and farmers in the Nordmalings area have contacted the county administrative board to find a solution to the problems together with landowners and hunters.

Something that Thomas Eriksson welcomes. 

- It is good that we have a dialogue.

It is a general problem in Sweden that things are not taken seriously until it has become half a disaster.

It is about finding a level of trunk that is acceptable to landowners and forest owners.

It is not possible to eradicate the red deer, says Thomas Eriksson.