The ASEAN-Association of Southeast Asian Nations Foreign Ministers' Meeting was held on the 2nd, and there was a long discussion on the selection of special envoys to mediate the dialogue between Myanmar's military and pro-democracy forces.

It seems that adjustments are being made to elect from Brunei, the presidency, and member states have called on Myanmar to approve it immediately.

The ASEAN Foreign Ministers' Meeting was held online on the 2nd, and five items such as the immediate suspension of violence and the dispatch of special envoys, which were agreed at the summit meeting in April over the situation in Myanmar where the military caused a coup d'etat. Discussions were held toward the realization of.

Indonesian Foreign Minister Lutono revealed at a subsequent press conference that the meeting spent a lot of time discussing the selection of special envoys, with a two-hour schedule spanning five hours.

Foreign Minister Lutono expressed a sense of crisis that "100 days have passed since the summit, but no significant progress has been made in the realization of the agreement." "Myanmar immediately approved the special envoy proposed by ASEAN. I want it. "

The outcome of the debate over the envoy has not yet been clarified, but diplomatic sources say that it is being finalized by appointing Brunei's Second Foreign Minister Elwan, who will chair ASEAN. Seems to be taking place.

Foreign Minister Lutono's remarks appear to have urged a swift decision, as Myanmar, which accepts the envoy, has not yet clarified its attitude.