There are many athletes who draw attention with their unique hairstyles at the Olympics, but a Dutch yacht runner is drawing attention by making blue arrows with his hair.

A strong contender for the men's yacht RS:X class, the Dutch Kiran boats have their hair shaped like an arrow (↓) and dyed blue.

Baedlow explained in an interview with Reuters, "It was inspired by the character 'Aang' from the TV cartoon series Avatar."

"Aang uses the wind freely, and the technique of using wind is very important in yachting".

The ships are playing with these hairs on.

Today (31st) 4:33 pm I am aiming for a gold medal in the men's RS:X class yacht held at Enoshima Yacht Harbor in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan.

As for the ships, they are the world's strongest in this sport, having won the World Championships three times in a row since 2019.

Olympians are required to wear designated uniforms, often showing off their individuality with distinctive hairstyles, such as Baedlowe. 

(Photo=AP, EPA, Yonhap News)