According to Anadolu, he cited the relevant data in a table on his Twitter page.

Devam eden yangınlara;

6 uçak

9 iha

1 insansız helikopter

1 yangın söndürme tankı

45 helikopter

1.080 arazöz

55 iş makinası

4.000'in üzerinde personel ile müdahale ediyoruz.

Mücadelemiz aralıksız sürüyor.

- Dr.

Bekir Pakdemirli (@bekirpakdemirli) July 30, 2021

It is noted that the fight against fires continues, in particular, in Adana and Antalya.

Earlier, the vice-president of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR) Dmitry Gorin, in an interview with Radio 1, commented on the fires in Turkey.