Is there a virus leak in the Fort Detrick Biological Laboratory in the United States?

  Is there an association between the unexplained respiratory disease in northern Virginia in the United States in 2019, the large-scale "e-cigarette" disease that broke out in Wisconsin, and the Durburg laboratory?

  Recently, the international community has been calling for investigations into Fort Detrick's biological laboratory.

However, the United States has been hiding everything and keeping secrets, neither responding to international concerns nor taking any investigative actions, as if it could separate the relationship without talking, and appear to be "clean".

  Whether the Deborg laboratory is "clean" or not, the United States cannot decide on its own!

  If the United States wants to clean itself up, it should take a responsible attitude as soon as possible and invite WHO experts to investigate the Fort Detrick Biolab in the United States and return the truth to the world.

(Jiang Li)