A special photo of a baby turtle caught on a beach in the southern United States is drawing attention online.

On the 26th local time, foreign media such as Fox News reported that state park employees on patrol in Edithto Beach, South Carolina, found a two-headed baby turtle.

South Carolina State Parks patrolled Eddysto Beach, a turtle habitat on the 21st, and investigated the condition and number of turtle eggs.

It was a work that was done every year to figure out the approximate number of turtles by finding out how many eggs hatched and how many eggs failed to hatch.

Park staff and volunteers scouring the sandy beach just caught a baby turtle coming out of its egg.

However, when I took a closer look at this baby turtle, it was something different from other baby turtles.

They had two heads attached to one body.

This isn't the first time a two-headed tortoise has been found in South Carolina. Two such baby turtles have been found in the past, and the cause has been revealed to be a simple genetic mutation.

These turtles usually have two functioning brains, and both brains are known to be able to control one body. The longest known lifespan to date is 75 years.

State park officials said they waited for the baby tortoise to hatch and come out on its own, and put it in the sea safely.

Netizens who heard the news through social media commented, "A turtle with two heads is just as cute as a turtle with one head", "I'm glad I didn't take the turtle to a research facility or make it a spectacle in a zoo", "This baby turtle is also in the natural order." I will live well according to it."

This is a 'news pick'.

(Photo='South Carolina State Parks' Facebook)