Private individuals can ride around on their own electric scooters without any problems.

But if companies are to establish themselves, rental stations are required, and then it becomes a question of leasing a public place where the municipality must give its approval.

So far, the traffic and street department in Växjö, led by Per-Olof Löfberg, has said no.

- We want to wait and learn from other cities before we make our own decision, says Per-Olof Löfberg.

Ask for politicians

From Växjö's point of view, they have looked at how Borås and Jönköping handled the electric scooters, and when the inquiries from the companies came in, Per-Olof Löfberg raised the issue further to the technical committee's presidium.

- There were divided opinions there as well.

Some think it leads to car freedom, but others think about accessibility and accessibility, says Per-Olof Löfberg.

Can linger with electric scooters in Växjö

In Stockholm, the number of electric scooters recently reached a record number, and in Oslo a decision has been made to ban vehicles at night.

Can Växjö residents be able to rent electric scooters in the city already this autumn?

- Doubtful, we are probably not finished with the agreements and what surfaces they can establish themselves on, says Per-Olof Löfberg.