Happened on 07/19/2021.

What are the symptoms of the emerging corona virus, and what are the most dangerous ones that may indicate severe complications?

Here, we will provide you with the latest medical data about the symptoms of the emerging coronavirus, "SARS Cove-2" that causes "Covid-19", according to the latest data from the World Health Organization and King's College London.

I have counted 33 symptoms or signs of infection with the Corona virus, which we present to you here, and they are from the most common to the least in general, and we emphasize that they are not a substitute for consulting a doctor, and that it is not possible to self-diagnose Corona infection.

first symptoms

Symptoms appear after infection with corona within 5 to 6 days in many cases, but this period can range from one day to 14 days, according to the World Health Organization.

Very early symptoms:

  • Strange sensation in the nose.

  • Excessive dryness of the nose.

  • Persistent feeling of having a strong nasal discharge.

Most common symptoms:

  • fever

  • dry cough

  • fatigue

Noting that some people do not show any symptoms.

According to scientific data, after 7-10 days from the onset of symptoms, the patient is no longer able to transmit the infection to others.

1- Fever

It is the rise in body temperature above the normal level, and a person is considered to have a fever if his temperature is 38 degrees Celsius (100.4 Fahrenheit) or more.

It may come with symptoms such as:

  • Flu symptoms such as headache, cough and sore throat.

  • Shortness of breath and chest pain in severe cases.

The incidence of "prevalence" was 78% of cases, according to a study published in the scientific journal PLOS ONE.

2- dry cough

i.e. "coughing and coughing without producing sputum" (dry non productive cough), the rate of which is 58%.

In rare cases, the cough may be accompanied by blood.

3- Fatigue

Suffering from fatigue and general fatigue, the prevalence rate of which is 31%.

4- Loss of sense of smell

And the scientific name is “Hyposmia”, and its prevalence is 25%, according to the “PLOS ONE” magazine, and according to another study published in the “PLOS Medicine” magazine, the loss of the sense of smell for four smells may indicate infection with the Corona virus.

In general, the researchers found that affected people notice a loss in their ability to smell the following odors:

1- garlic

2- Onions

3- coffee

4- Perfume

They must self-isolate and request a coronavirus test.

5- headache

The prevalence of headaches among corona cases, according to the study, is 13%.

Headaches have been reported early and late in the course of infection with the Coronavirus, with the possibility of late headaches being associated with exacerbation of the disease.

Headaches can also be a symptom of corona in people with migraines.

In these cases, headaches are reported before the most common symptoms of corona appear.

According to scientific data, there are 4 characteristics of a corona headache:

  • Moderate to severe headache.

  • It causes a feeling of throbbing or a feeling of pressure in the head.

  • It occurs on both sides of the head.

  • It may get worse when you bend over.

  • 6- Sore throat

    Sore throat is one of the symptoms of corona infection, also known as "sore throat", and its prevalence among corona cases, according to the study, is 12%.

    In other respiratory diseases, such as the common cold, sore throat is often an early symptom, and because respiratory viruses are inhaled, they enter the nose and throat first, and may multiply there early, leading to throat pain and irritation.

    According to experts, a sore throat may be a warning sign of infection with the Corona virus, especially if it is accompanied by other symptoms of corona.

    7- Confusion

    The prevalence of confusion is 11%.

    8- Diarrhea

    Diarrhea is a symptom related to the digestive system, and its prevalence is 10%.

    9- Nausea

    The prevalence of nausea among corona cases, according to the study, is 6%.

    10- Nasal congestion

    The prevalence of "nasal congestion" is 5%.

    11- Loss of sense of taste

    And its scientific name is (Hypogeusia), and the rate of its spread among corona cases, according to the study, was 4%.

    12- Vomiting

    The prevalence of vomiting, according to the study, is 4%.

    13- Severe abdominal pain

    According to the study, its prevalence rate among corona patients is 4%.

    14 - coughing up blood

    Its scientific name is (Hemoptysis) and it is accompanied by blood discharge, and its prevalence is 2%.

    15- Conjunctivitis

    The conjunctiva of the eye is a transparent membrane that lines the eyelid from the inside and its white, and works to moisturize the eye through the production of mucus and tears, and also plays an immune role represented in monitoring foreign bodies and germs and preventing their entry into the eye.

    Its scientific name is (Conjunctivitis), and its prevalence rate, according to the study, is 2%.

    16- Hoarseness of the voice

    There is a change in the voice, and it is scientifically called (Hoarseness) or (Dysphonia).

    17- Loss of appetite

    The scientific name is (Anorexia), and this symptom may be related to the loss of the sense of taste, which makes the person unable to feel the taste of food, and thus less desire to eat.

    18- Aches and pains

    They include muscle and joint pain.

    19- The appearance of a rash

    A change in the skin occurs, such as redness or irritation.

    20- Change in the color of the fingers or toes

    The scientific name for this symptom is (Acrocyanosis).

    21- Difficulty breathing

    It may be difficulty breathing alone or accompanied by a fever or cough.

    22- chest pain ألم

    The patient feels chest pain or pressure, and it may be accompanied by a fever or cough.

    23- Facial nerve paralysis

    The scientific name for this symptom is 'facial nerve paralysis', also known as 'Bell's palsy'.

    In Bell's palsy, a sudden weakness in the facial muscles occurs, and this weakness makes half the face appear drooping, and the smile is on one side, and the eye does not close on this side.

    In Bell's palsy, there is a sudden weakness in the facial muscles, and half of the face appears to droop (Shutterstock)

    24- Photophobia

    It is the feeling of discomfort from light (photophobia), and 18% of the participants suffered in a study conducted by researchers from Anglia Ruskin University in the United Kingdom, and included 83 people diagnosed with “Covid-19”, and it was published in the journal “B” BMJ Open Ophthalmology.

    25- Inflammation of the eye

    The scientific name for this term is (Sore eyes), and its percentage was 16% in the study of "Anglia Ruskin University".

    26- Itchy eyes

    This symptom was 17% in the Anglia Ruskin University study.

    27- Redness of the tongue

    In some cases of corona patients, the color of the tongue may change, and it may also become - in a common term - as "strawberry tongue" or "raspberry tongue" in these cases.

    In the case of a strawberry tongue, the tongue is swollen and red.

    28- Swelling of the tongue

    This is according to Gabriel Scully, a public health doctor and head of epidemiology and public health at the Royal Society of Medicine, who told The Sun newspaper that the virus can have effects on such a wide range of body systems.

    The professor said the medical name for acute tongue swelling that occurs as part of a syndrome is glossitis.

    29- Loss of the lingual papillae

    The scientific name for this term is (Depapillated tongue), and the tongue appears in the form of the so-called geographic tongue, where there are map-like spots on the tongue.

    30- Sudden deafness

    Cases have been recorded in which the Corona virus has been associated with deafness, and according to a report published by the French newspaper “Le Monde”, there are also other reports of sudden deafness, suffered by patients with infection with the Corona virus, and that acoustic neuritis associated with cochlear damage has already been diagnosed in Other virus infections.

    The newspaper pointed out that the pathophysiological mechanisms behind the phenomenon of deafness after viral infection have several explanations;

    It can be an attack by the antibodies that the body has developed against the virus, which also acquires the ability to recognize objects in the inner ear, which is called the “cross reaction” in medical science.

    Early nasal symptoms

    A study conducted by researchers from the University of Barcelona, ​​and included 35 patients with Covid-19, and published on the MedRxiv website, revealed 3 very early symptoms of corona infection, which are:

    31- A strange sensation in the nose 32- Excessive dryness of the nose 33- A constant feeling of “strong nasal douche” (nasal douche)

    The researchers said these early nasal symptoms most often appeared with:

    • Loss of the sense of smell (anosmia) or decreased sense of smell (hyposmia).

    • Loss of sense of taste (ageusia) in conjunction with decreased sense of smell.

    Symptoms mainly appeared before or during other symptoms of COVID-19, and lasted for an average of 12 days.

    The following graphic shows the calendar of a Corona patient, that is, what happens to him from the first day of infection until recovery, and when he becomes not contagious.

    To find out more details about the course of the disease, click on this link.

    6 groups

    What we mentioned above is the complete symptoms, but a recent study found that these symptoms come in groups, and accordingly there are 6 types of Covid-19 disease caused by infection with the Corona virus.

    The study was led by researchers from King's College London, and posted on a website.

    The researchers found that each type of COVID-19 infection was characterized by a specific set of symptoms, and that each type differed in the severity of the disease and the need to provide respiratory support to the patient during the recovery phase.

    The six types of "Covid-19" disease are:

    • The first is flu-like, but without flu-like with no fever, and with symptoms of headache, loss of smell, muscle aches, cough, sore throat, and chest pain.

    • Two: Similar to the flu, but with fever, flu-like with fever, headache symptoms, loss of smell, cough, sore throat, and hoarseness.

    • The third: gastrointestinal, where the patient suffers from diarrhea, with symptoms of headache, loss of sense of smell, loss of appetite, sore throat, chest pain, and without coughing.

    • Fourth: acute level one (severe level one) with fatigue, symptoms of headache, loss of sense of smell, cough, fever, hoarseness and chest pain.

    • Fifth: Severe level two with confusion, fatigue, headache, loss of smell, loss of appetite, cough, fever, hoarseness, sore throat, chest pain and muscle pain.

    • The last type: severe level three abdominal and respiratory, in which the person presents with shortness of breath, diarrhea, severe abdominal pain with headache, loss of smell and appetite, cough, fever, hoarseness, throat and chest pain, fatigue, confusion and muscle aches .

    The researchers also found that the probability of a patient in each of the six groups needing respiratory support, such as oxygen or being placed on a ventilator, was as follows:

    • The first type: 1.5%.

    • The second type: 4.4%.

    • The third type: 3.3%.

    • Fourth type: 8.6%.

    • The fifth type: 9.9%.

    • Sixth type: 19.8%.

    In general, types 4, 5 and 6 affected older, more vulnerable people, and those were more likely to be overweight and have pre-existing conditions, such as diabetes or lung disease, than people with types 1, 2, and 3.

    Symptoms in children

    Magdi Omar, a pediatrician in the United States, said in an exclusive interview with Al Jazeera Net: As for the symptoms of corona in children and infants, they are no different from them in adults, there is fever, shivering, cough, shortness of breath, vomiting and diarrhea, but they are less severe than adults.

    recovery chances

    The World Health Organization says that most people (about 80%) usually recover from the disease without the need for special treatment, but the symptoms are severe in about one person out of every 5 people infected with Covid-19 disease.

    The risk of developing severe complications increases among the elderly and those with other health problems such as high blood pressure, heart and lung disease, diabetes or cancer.

    On the other hand, some people may become infected without experiencing only very mild symptoms, or even without symptoms.

    4 symptoms mean that you have strong immunity to the Corona virusفيروس

    وكان توصل باحثون إلى 4 أعراض لعدوى فيروس كورونا المستجد المسبب لمرض "كوفيد-19" ترتبط بتكوين الجسم مستويات عالية من الأجسام المضادة للفيروس تستمر لمدة 3 أشهر.

    ويعني وجود مستويات عالية من الأجسام المضادة أن لدى الشخص مناعة من الإصابة بفيروس كورونا المستجد -واسمه العلمي "سارس-كوف-2" (SARS-CoV-2) للمرة ثانية.

    وأجرى الدراسة باحثون من جامعة ويسكونسن في الولايات المتحدة ونشرت كنسخة أولية (لم تقبل في مجلة طبية)، ولم تخضع بعد للمراجعة.

    وحلل الباحثون اختبارات الدم لـ113 مريضا مصابا بفيروس كورونا بعد 5 أسابيع من التعافي من مرضهم، ثم مرة أخرى بعد 3 أشهر من مرضهم.

    ووجدوا أنه كانت لدى الأشخاص الذين أصيبوا بكوفيد-19 ودخلوا المستشفى مستويات أجسام مضادة أعلى من غيرهم، وبشكل عام زادت مستويات الأجسام المضادة مع شدة "كوفيد-19".

    لكن بالنسبة للأشخاص الذين أصيبوا بكوفيد-19 ولم يدخلوا المستشفى فقد لاحظ الباحثون أن 4 من الأعراض ترتبط باستمرار مستويات عالية من الأجسام المضادة لفيروس كورونا، وهي:

    1- الحمى

    2- آلام البطن

    3- الإسهال

    4- تراجع الشهية

    وهذا يعني أن ظهور هذه الأعراض عليك أثناء مرضك يمكن أن يكون علامة على أنه من المرجح أن تكون لديك مناعة أطول ضد كورونا.


    ووفقا للدراسات، فإن فيروس كورونا المستجد شهد تحوّرا يزداد شيوعا في أوروبا وأميركا الشمالية وأجزاء من آسيا، وإن هذا التحور يجعله أكثر عدوى، لكنه أقل فتكا.

    وقال بول تامبيا الاستشاري بجامعة سنغافورة الوطنية والرئيس المنتخب للجمعية الدولية للأمراض المعدية -في تصريحات لرويترز في أغسطس/آب الماضي- إن الدلائل تشير إلى أن انتشار طفرة "دي 614 جي" (D614G) في أجزاء من العالم تزامن مع انخفاض معدلات الوفاة، مما يوحي بأن هذا التحوّر أقل فتكا.

    وأضاف "ربما كان فيروسا أكثر عدوى لكنه أقل فتكا، وهذا شيء جيد". وقال تامبيا إن أغلب الفيروسات تصبح في العادة أقل فتكا لدى تحوّرها.

    وتابع "من مصلحة الفيروس أن يُعدي المزيد من الناس لا أن يقتلهم، لأن الفيروس يعتمد على العائل في حصوله على الغذاء والمأوى".

    وقالت منظمة الصحة إن العلماء اكتشفوا هذه الطفرة في فبراير/شباط الماضي مع انتشارها بأوروبا والأميركتين. وأضافت أنه لا يوجد دليل على أن التحور أدى إلى مرض أكثر خطورة.