Invited Sunday from Europe 1, the leader of the deputies LR Damien Abad severely judged the management by the executive of the health pass file.

The government "imposes a pact of constraint", he believes, regretting a lack of anticipation. 


As opponents of the health pass rally in the streets, with another day of protests on Saturday, debates on the bill concerning the extension of the controversial pass continue in Parliament. After the Assembly, the Senate, dominated by the right-wing opposition, adopted the text overnight from Saturday to Sunday, while making important changes. Invited Sunday from Europe 1, the leader of the deputies LR Damien Abad returned to these lively debates which currently animate the political class. 

Returning to the demonstrations of Saturday, which gathered more than 160,000 people in all France, Damien Abad regrets to see a France "cut in two".

However, he believes, "a France which is not assembled is a France which is not strong enough to fight against the virus".

And to add "We have a France which has never been so fractured ... These fractures leave scars."

"Politics is about making choices"

For the boss of the LR group in the Assembly, the responsibilities of this fracture are to be found on the side of the power in place.

"The 'at the same time' is unhappy on both sides: among the pro-vaccines, who would like the government to do more education, and among all those who have reservations about the health pass, which they consider as liberticidal" , he explains. 


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"Politics is making choices," insists Damien Abad, calling on the government to better explain the interest of vaccination to skeptics and "reassure them".

With its health pass, "the government is imposing a pact of constraint, whereas I believe on the contrary that a pact of trust and responsibility is needed", says Damien Abad.

For example "by giving the French quantified objectives of vaccinated people, and by telling them that if they are fulfilled, no need to restrict freedoms". 

"Macron should have spoken earlier"

"The government has confused anticipation and haste", judge Damien Abad.

"And because he did not know how to anticipate, he rushes. He rushes to Parliament with hidden debates, with regard to tourism professionals and restaurateurs, by imposing on them a health pass in the middle of summer."

"The Delta variant does not date from today", remarks the guest of Europe 1, estimating that Emmanuel Macron "should have spoken 15 days-three weeks earlier to allow a more fluid organization and a more strong French ".