Paris (AFP)

The boss of senators LR Bruno Retailleau on Saturday put pressure on the government and the majority in the Assembly, brandishing the threat of a disagreement between senators and deputies which would derail the schedule of the anti-Covid bill.

The Senate dominated by the right began on Saturday the examination of the articles of the new anti-Covid text which provides for the vaccination obligation for caregivers and the controversial extension of the health pass.

Senators rejected amendments, especially from the left, which aimed to remove this flagship device.

As soon as the bill passed in committee, they made substantial changes, presented as so many red lines.

In particular, they conditioned the extension of the pass on the reestablishment of a state of health emergency.

Bruno Retailleau "warned the government": "If the deputies want to strike out the work of the Senate", the right-wing majority of the High Assembly will ask its representatives not to "make conclusive" the future mixed joint commission (CMP) which should bring together deputies and senators probably Sunday morning.

In the ideal scheme of the executive, the CMP will have to find an agreement on a common text, with a view to the final adoption of the bill by the end of the weekend, for an application of the extended pass in early August.

A disagreement would derail this very constrained schedule, forcing a new parliamentary shuttle.

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However, a government amendment sent "a very bad signal to the Upper Assembly," noted Nathalie Goulet (Centrist Union).

He proposed to erase the declaration of a state of health emergency until October 31, wanted by the senators in committee.

The government thus sought, without success, to return to the original version of its text which provided for the extension until December 31 of the transitional regime of gradual exit from the state of emergency.

"The government wants to locate its action outside the state of health emergency," noted the LR rapporteur of the text Philippe Bas.

"The urgency is reality, otherwise we have no reason to be here (...) Let's get out of this kind of euphemism (...) we are taking extremely serious measures" , added the senator from La Manche.

The Secretary of State for Digital Cédric 0 recalled that it was "classic" for the government to defend its position but that "this will obviously not prejudge the discussions that we can have with the National Assembly within the CMP".

Out of 265 amendments tabled, 215 remained to be considered at midday.

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