Historically Yours brings together 3 ladies who have hidden a sacred secret: Margaret Bulkley who has disguised herself, all her life, as James Barry to have the right to do the job she dreamed of: surgeon in the British army.

Romy Schneider has also hidden a secret concerning her mother and Hitler who would have been close to each other.

This is what she ended up confessing in an interview, in 1976, to a German journalist who, herself, waited 40 years before revealing it ... And Carrie Fisher alias Princess Leia from Star Wars who revealed that between her and Harrison Ford, alias Han Solo… “rascality there had been”!



Isabelle Bauthian

, novelist and comic book author.

She co-signs, with Agnès Maupré, “The mysterious, insolent and heroic life of Doctor James Barry (née Margaret Bulkley)” (Éditions Steinkis)


Patrick Jeudy

, author and director of documentaries.

“Conversations with Romy Schneider” (broadcast on Arte.tv)