[News only] It is

regrettable that a comfort dog that was put into the site of the collapse of an apartment building in Florida, USA, could not get up due to an overworked injury.

Comfort dogs, families of victims and rescuers who appeared at the scene of a Florida apartment collapse were healed by petting or hugging them.

However, sad news came that Teddy, one of the comfort dogs, was suddenly unable to get up after 3 weeks of being active at the site.

As a result of X-rays taken at the hospital, it is suspected that there is a herniated disc and a nodule in the knee ligament.

Teddy, who is 6 years old this year, had previously suffered an injury to his buttocks, and it is said that his condition worsened after working non-stop at the accident site.

The sad news of Teddy is known, and helping hands are pouring in. In three days, 44,000 dollars and 50 million won of our money were collected to raise money for the treatment.

One airline even provided jets so that Teddy could comfortably return home to Pennsylvania.

As many people wish, I hope that you recover your health as soon as possible.