The complaint concerns a number of violations.

Including the responsibility of the Ukrainian authorities for the death of civilians, illegal imprisonment and cruel treatment of people, including the events of the "Maidan" in Kiev, in the House of Trade Unions in Odessa and in the Donbass during the so-called "anti-terrorist operation".

The complaint also refers to the practice of suppressing freedom of speech in Ukraine and persecution of dissidents by prohibiting the work of the media, Internet platforms, persecution of journalists, including Ukrainian, Russian and other countries, politicians and ordinary citizens. The appeal refers to the policy of discrimination against the Russian-speaking population applied in Ukraine and the displacement of the use of the Russian language from the public sphere, as well as the blocking by the Ukrainian side of the North Crimean Canal, which is the main source of fresh water for the inhabitants of Crimea.

The Russian side drew the attention of the ECHR to the death of people, harm to health and the destruction of property as a result of shelling by the armed forces of Ukraine on the adjacent territory of the Russian Federation, to depriving residents of certain territories of southeastern Ukraine of the opportunity to participate in elections to the central authorities, as well as attacks on diplomatic , consular and other representations of Russia in Ukraine.

In addition, Russia drew the attention of the ECHR to the crash of the Malaysian Boeing flight MH17 in 2014 due to the failure of the Ukrainian authorities to close the airspace over the war zone, as well as to the refusal to provide the necessary legal assistance to the Russian investigating authorities in the investigation of the crimes committed.

With the help of the appeal, Russia intends to draw the attention of the ECHR and the entire world community to gross and systematic violations of human rights by the Ukrainian authorities, as well as to record numerous facts of criminal acts in the international legal field. Russia calls to force the Ukrainian authorities to stop committing crimes, conduct a proper investigation and immediately bring the perpetrators to justice, restore peace and harmony on the territory of Ukraine.

It is noted that some of the claims of the Russian side are related to the violations committed by the Ukrainian authorities directly against the Russians, including the dead and wounded. The report says that in Ukraine, a significant number of Russians are subjected to abuse, their property is destroyed and damaged, and businesses are discriminated against. The complaint also details the process of the unconstitutional change of government in Ukraine and the advancement of nationalist forces into the Ukrainian state bodies, which became "the main reason for the ensuing massive violations of the Convention and its protocols."

The complaint also states a petition for the ECtHR to apply interim measures in accordance with Rule 39 of the Regulation, in order to oblige Ukraine “to immediately stop such egregious violations as blocking the flow of fresh water into Crimea, restricting the rights of national and linguistic minorities, including free access to the general public. and higher education in their native language, a ban on broadcasting Russian-language television and radio channels, restricting access to Internet platforms and printed publications in Russian. "