Uppvidinge municipality has advised against swimming in Lenhovdasjön since Monday.

The water turned out to be unusable as intestinal bacteria, e-coli, showed at higher levels than normal.

- We also have unserviceable water in Fröseke, and there may be a connection to the birds, but it can also be wrong, says Karin Holst, head of administration at the environmental and building administration.

It is not uncommon for Canada geese and other birds to thrive at bathing sites.

In previous years, the municipality has tested birds of prey silhouettes to scare away birds from bathers, but this year it has not done the job.

The Canada geese have become more numerous and the bathing jetty has had to be cleaned frequently.

Protection hunters engaged

It is therefore not possible to determine with certainty that it is the Canada geese that are behind the irreversible water.

But now the municipality sees no other solution than to hire protection hunters who will kill the birds.

- There are always Canada geese here, but this year it is extra much, says the protection hunter Frans Karlsson who has been given the assignment.

According to Frans Karlsson, it will be about 30-40 Canadian geese at Lenhovdasjön, which is more than usual.

The protection hunt takes place early Friday morning, and loud bangs can be heard as the bathing area is in Lenhovda.