The boat club for discussions with the municipality about renting the old harbor kiosk.

The plan is to be able to share the premises with traders or craftsmen who could use part of the area for sale.

- We have not received any information from the municipality yet, but it has sounded positive, says Anders Behm.

Here in the old harbor kiosk, Smedjebacken's boat club would like to rent and have a harbor office.

Photo: SVT

Hire a harbor master

Today, the club has 600 members and 400 berths, including the harbor in Söderbärke.

In Smedjebacken, two people are voluntarily engaged as harbor masters, but the assignment is starting to become too extensive.

Therefore, the plan is to hire a part-time harbor master for next season.

- The economy is good and it is something that is really needed, states Anders Behm.

In the video, SVT Nyheter Dalarna hangs on the non-profit harbor master Mikael Hedberg.