Representatives of anti-government groups who continue to protest for the resignation of former Soviet Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko meet with Secretary of Foreign Secretary Blinken and others in Washington, USA, and demand that the Lukashenko administration further increase pressure such as tightening sanctions I did.

Anti-governmentist Zihanovskaya, who continues to protest Belarus's Lukashenko administration, is visiting Washington for the support of the U.S. government, with Secretary of State Blinken on the 19th and security policy at the White House on the 20th. I met with President Lukashenko, who is in charge of the situation, and members of both the House and Senate.

Mr. Tschihanovskaya responded to local media questions on the 20th to impose sanctions on state-owned enterprises of fertilizers and petroleum products, which are the main industries of Belarus, against Secretary Blinken and others to further increase pressure on the Lukashenko administration. I made it clear that I asked for it.

"The United States wants to show positive movements, not symbolic actions. It's time for democracies to unite and show anger," he said. He expressed his hope that he would take a more in-depth response.

Meanwhile, the White House also issued a statement on the 20th, revealing that Sullivan's aide told Mr. Chihanovskaya that he would support the courage and determination of anti-government groups for democracy and human rights.