It may be easy for you to choose a piece of meat you know for a regular dish on the first morning of Eid al-Adha, but knowing the different cuts of meat, and the best way to cook it, can help you try more diverse delicacies, and avoid costly buying mistakes.

You only need to know the location of the main cuts in the carcass, and know the optimal cooking method for the secondary cuts, which are the cuts of meat that you find in stores in the form of cubes, slices and rolls, so we show you how to choose your favorite cut among cows, goats, lambs and camels.

Where is the optimal piece of meat located in the cow?

Beef is the most common type of meat, due to its versatility and cheap cost, and is divided into 7 main pieces: neck, chest, shoulder, ribs, middle, side, and thigh.

If you're looking for the softest, most moist cut in a cow, then look no further than the center, ribs, and sides.

Cow ribs refer to the ribs and backbone, and are the most meat-filled piece, and the most varied according to the location of the rib from the shoulder or abdomen. Of the 13 pairs of ribs in the back of a cow, the last six pairs close to the middle are ranked as the best part, and undoubtedly the most expensive, because It is located at a muscle that is not used much, which makes it softer, greasy and has a distinctive flavour, and is often slow cooked rather than grilled, but if you are lucky, the chest and side areas ensure that you renew the preparation of the smoked brisket dish.

The "kidney house" or the middle of the cow, is considered the best part of the cow's body and the most popular (pixabi)

If you are wondering why the price of the “kidney house” or the middle of the cow is so high, it is because it is the best and most popular part of the cow’s body. From it, the “steak, fillet and entrecote” pieces are taken, and the middle of the cow is located along the spine in the back quarter and extends from the ribs to the rump, It contains less fat and connective tissue, which makes it soft and juicy, and it is preferable to cook this piece at a high temperature to ensure that it retains moisture, flavor and juiciness, and this part can also be cut into thin slices for frying, or the whole fillet is trimmed and tied for grilling.

If you are looking for the best part to boil for "Eid al-Adha Fattah", or cooking with vegetables, the meat around the ribs near the shoulders tends to be tougher with a moderate amount of fat. You can also choose the neck part because it needs to be boiled because it interferes with the bone pieces. , as well as the shoulder part because of its rough texture and its need for a longer period of ripening, but its fat will give the vegetables a distinct flavor, and also the thigh piece is more meaty and low in fat.

Where is the optimal piece of meat located in the sheep?

The main parts in lambs and goats are divided into 5 parts: the neck, the fore quarter, the short middle, the rump, and the leg. Roasting sheep meat is the best way to cook it due to its large number of unhealthy fats, but the distinctive feature in sheep meat is that the connective tissue, although it is low in fat, has a taste Delicious and succulent.

The neck meat is separated from the sheep by cutting between the third and fourth cervical vertebrae, and it includes a large amount of connective tissue as an active part, and it can be cut into rings, then cooked on low heat to break up the tissue by boiling or with vegetables or in the oven, and the front quarter of the neck can be cut In the form of a grill steak, but it should be cut without leaving any excess surface fat, and then grill on low heat.

The front quarter of the sheep includes the shoulder and the ribs. It is characterized by its diversity, being succulent, and suitable for grilling and slow cooking, as it is filled with connective tissue. You can also use it with bone, especially at the ribs, or remove the shoulder bone and connective tissue to get a straight shape like a butterfly that can be tied.

The middle of the sheep includes two secondary pieces in the form of the letter “T” and a longitudinal slice. The middle and rump meat are the best parts of the carcass for grilling at high temperatures for rapid ripening, or removing the bone and then stuffing and tying it. You can also wrap it with an outer layer of fat to give it a delicious flavor.

Lamb leg meat comes with the bone, and usually a thin layer of fat is left on top of the leg to keep it moist and juicy during cooking. The bone can also be removed and the meat tied. To achieve the best results, you should fry this piece in a hot pan or grill it first, and then transfer it to the oven to finish cooking. .

The distinguishing feature of lamb is that the connective tissue, although it is low in fat, has a delicious taste and a fresh taste (Al-Jazeera)

Where is the optimal piece of meat located in a camel?

A lot of camel meat escapes due to its broad and coarse fibers, but it is the least harmful for its low fat content, which makes it ideal for dieters and heart patients, and what many also overlook is that camel meat does not need a longer time to break down the hardness of its texture, and camel meat must be marinated in Refrigerate the whole night before cooking it, then put it in the pressure cooker for no more than 15 minutes.

The quality of the camel meat and the way it is cooked is affected by the age of the carcass. Young camel meat is best for roasting, and is usually 4 to 6 months old, and adult camel is best for preparing piccata and cold meat dishes.

The quality of camel meat and its cooking method are affected by the age of the carcass (social networking sites)

If you are wondering about the perfect piece in the camel, remember the saying “he knows where the shoulder is eaten” or “from where the wasteland is eaten” among the Arabs, and it is the mass of meat that extends on the back of the camel, directly above the bones of the back vertebrae, and covered with the hump above it, as it is a hump The camel is the center of its delicious fat, and accordingly the lower part of the shoulders, back and middle are affected by the softness of the useful fat. As for the rest of the camel meat, it is recommended to use it chopped in pastries and kofta to facilitate the process of chewing it.