This weekend, two children were shot in Flemingsberg when they were out playing.

It is the latest example of violence where firearms have been used.

And according to the police, there are also examples of violence changing its character:

- We can see a difference in approach which means that there will be more and more execution-like shootings.

We find a lot of sleeves and people are hit with many shots, says Mats Löfving, regional police chief in Stockholm and acting national police chief.

He is surprised that no clearer effects have been seen from the police's detention.

According to Mats Löfving, many people start their criminal careers early, sometimes as early as the age of twelve.

- The speed and power of new young people growing up in crime is greater than at least I have expected.

We have 25 of 60 vulnerable areas in Stockholm and I understand that it is like a greenhouse for young people into a criminal career.

He believes that more preventive work and cooperation is needed in the areas.

- The police have a crime prevention mission and we will mainly focus on preventing crime among young people, but at least in the area of ​​criminal age.

We see a development where these efforts must be made much earlier and then it is mainly the municipalities, the social administration and the school that will deal with this work.