In the clip, you hear Madeleine talk about the accident and what she thinks about electric scooters today.

Madeleine has long used the electric scooters to get around in an easier way, and has bought her own scooter.

It was on the one she fell on when she was on her way home from the pub one evening.

Fractures of the face are one of the most common injuries treated at Sahlgrenska's emergency department in connection with accidents on electric scooters, says chief physician Ragnar Ang.

The rehabilitation after an injury like Madelenes can be long.

- I can not blame anyone else for my accident, there I should have had better judgment and maybe completely give it up and take a taxi home instead, she says.

Hear the doctor at Sahlgrenska talk about the most common injuries in connection with electric scooters.

The doctor about electric scooters: "I will never stand on one"

Direct report · How do you use the electric scooter?


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