Hebron - the 

battle of the Friday Press that took place between the Muslims and the Crusaders prior to the conquest of Jerusalem by Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi;

It was a reason for planting an oak tree over the graves of martyrs who rose during the battle, on the road connecting to the Palestinian coast in the town of Halhul, north of Hebron, in the south of the occupied West Bank.

The name of the battle came - according to the Palestinian researcher Muhammad Shehdeh al-Wahush - because the Muslims “squeezed” the Crusaders in it prior to the liberation of Bait al-Maqdis in 1187 AD, and liberated the area called “preventing”, which came from the word forbidding;

The fortified place, which is located west of the city of Halhul.

oak tree

After a period of time, people planted an oak tree on the graves of 7 martyrs who rose in this battle, and they are from the Al-Quwadri family, and it is believed that they were brothers or relatives, and the tree was named after them later.

The Al Jazeera Net team noticed a tree leg that is more than two meters in diameter, and traces of old houses and remains of stone walls appear in the ocean, which were inhabited by Palestinians before the Nakba in 1948, and the leg that we saw appears above a dirt and stone rubble, and dust and excavations are seen in the place during which the discovery of More antiquities about the Quadria oak.

The Quadiriya oak tree planted over the graves of 7 martyrs of the al-Qawadri family in the "Al-Manea" area of ​​the West Bank (Al-Jazeera)

The researcher Muhammad Al-Wahush sat near the stalk of the tree and began to look at its details, telling Al-Jazeera Net that it was planted in the site after the end of the battle to liberate Beit Al-Maqdis in 1187, over the graves of the martyrs of the Al-Quwadri family who were buried in their honor, and people continued to venerate and sanctify the place, because the martyrs rose in a battle A comma in the history of the region.

The Qawadri family

The Quwadarite monsters are known as a family known for their rescue and they were enthusiastic about fighting, and they helped Muslims in the "Battle of Friday Press", which was one of the decisive battles at the time, and the Crusaders were exterminated in it, and the family included young men who were an example of sacrifice and manhood, and self-presentation for the liberation of the homeland

The Al-Quwadriya tree survived the calamities of eternity, it was not burned or cut, but it appears pyramid, and the residents of the area from hundreds of years consider that whoever touches it as if he touched a sacred place, because of the greatness of the action of the martyrs buried in their graves below, according to the researcher Al-Wahsh.

5 thousand years BC

The Mana’in area was like a fortress that watched the people heading from central Palestine to the coast, because it is located in an area overlooking the town of Halhul.

Which is more than 1200 meters above sea level, and is considered one of the highest inhabited areas in Palestine, and only Mount Al-Jarmaq in Safed.

It is also famous for the cultivation of various types of summer fruits, in addition to the presence of about 60 springs of water.

Pictures of the ruins of houses and stone walls of houses and graves in the area around the Qawadriya oak (Al-Jazeera)

The researcher describes the monsters - for Al Jazeera Net - the town of Halhul as the capital of grapes in summer, and the capital of snow in winter, and it is considered one of the ancient Canaanite cities, whose Arab age was estimated at about 5 thousand years, and it is thus considered the largest root in Palestinian history, which was inhabited by the Canaanites in the fourth century BC.

Targeted by the occupation

Today, Halhul, north of Hebron, is targeted by the Israeli occupation, which, like the rest of the Palestinian areas, is storming it and trying to confiscate its lands and attack its residents. Monsters have been forced to leave Palestine for more than 30 years, to resist the Israeli occupier, and toured several regions in the world before returning to it longing. A researcher in its ancient history, which contains many tournaments, as he describes.

Today, the occupation is trying to facilitate the settlers’ incursions into an area east of the town known as Yunus’s Tomb, and the occupation claims it is one of the settlers, but it is a tomb attributed to the Prophet Yunus, peace be upon him, which the Palestinians have preserved and thousands of historical sites in Palestine for hundreds of years, sealing the monsters.