This summer, give children a different kind of care class

In the twinkling of an eye, it’s summer vacation. For dual-income families, summer arrangements for children have once again become an urgent problem for parents.

In the past, the summer life of Xiao Li, a fourth-grade student in Xicheng District Elementary School in Beijing, was like this-"going up the mountain, going to the sea, taking the grade test, and returning to his hometown".

This year, he will have a new choice-"return to campus".

The Ministry of Education held a press conference on the 13th to introduce the after-school services of compulsory education and the related situation of summer care work.

For most parents of school-age children, summer care is undoubtedly good news.

"Summer vacation children have about 45 days at their disposal. We will take a week or so to take our children up to the mountains and down the sea to visit places of interest. As usual, for the rest of the time, we will find a training institution to take care of it for a week to prepare for the arts. After the examination, he will be sent back to his hometown for another week. At this time, the long summer vacation is not over, and the children can only go to the work unit with their parents for two days and their father for two days." A fifth-grade student in Dongcheng District, Beijing. Parent Zhang Ying told reporters.

As soon as the policy came out, many parents immediately welcomed it.

However, there are also some parents who are worried and anxious about this. Lan Lan, a parent of a fourth-grade student in Chaoyang District, is worried that "the trustee only stays in the classroom to do homework, and there are no extracurricular activities."

Liu Ying, a parent of a fourth-grade student in Xicheng District, Beijing, is worried, "Will some trustee class teachers expand their subject knowledge and make the summer vacation a'third semester' carrying a schoolbag".

She is also worried that the summer trusteeship increases the "workload" of teachers and will affect daily teaching.

The reporter learned during the interview that these voices are the main "worries" after the release of the custody policy.

On July 8, the Ministry of Education issued the "Notice on Supporting the Exploration and Development of Summer Custody Services" (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice"). As soon as the "Notice" came out, the first to be listed on the hot search was "Canceling Teachers' Winter and Summer Vacations".

Exploring the implementation of after-school services and summer care is undoubtedly a "good thing" to reduce the burden on parents and students, but will this result in the phenomenon of "reducing the burden on students and increasing the burden on teachers"?

Can parents’ concerns be resolved?

The reporter started an interview on this.

Worry: Don't let "custodial" become "out of control"

  As soon as the summer custody service policy was introduced, the first discussion was about whether to "rest" or "appropriate study" during the summer vacation.

Chu Zhaohui, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Educational Sciences, believes that "rest" and "relaxation" are the "essentials" of summer vacation.

"From the perspective of the school system arrangement, vacations have their own unique functions and are not optional. Two thousand years ago, "Study Records" stated that the principle of'the education must have a righteous career, and that there must be a residence for retreat'. If summer care evolves into a student's'third semester', it will violate this basic principle, and it will inevitably cause harm to the growth of students, directly affect the quality of subsequent learning, and damage students' learning interest, hobbies and autonomy in the long run. Therefore, it is especially important To prevent the number of custody classes that will be held in some places and the number of parents and students provided with custody services, as the pursuit of political achievements, the quality of custody will change." Chu Zhaohui said.

  The student’s parent, Zhang Ying, "raised her hands in favor" of the custody policy. "The policy we see now is 12 days per term, which just fills up our usual "gap". Summer vacation is the peak period for art examinations. Every year we will Use the summer to learn some vocal music, dance and other content to cultivate sentiment, and family travel is also a fixed item. What should I do with the rest of the time? Now it’s good, the child can go to school, to ensure safety and to meet friends, I will definitely do Choose to sign up." Zhang Ying said that she most hopes that the summer care class will have reading, calligraphy and other related services. "It is very beneficial for children to read books and practice calligraphy."

  Lan Lan, the student’s parent, was worried about “no extracurricular activities”. Her school had already issued a notice about summer care, but she hesitated to “not sign up”.

"Children are growing up, and summer vacation should focus on a lot of outdoor activities. At present, the time and place of care are fixed, no different from adults at work. There is no clear task and theme every day, only clear time. According to the regulations, I am worried that this kind of "custodial" just takes up students' time and liberates the parents. It is not "custodial" or "out of control". Children cannot learn or grow."

  Regarding these concerns of parents, Lu Yugang, Director of the Department of Basic Education of the Ministry of Education, said: “Schools should open classrooms, libraries, sports venues and other resources and facilities, and reasonably organize and provide some collective game activities, cultural and sports activities, reading guidance, comprehensive practice, Interest development, homework guidance and other services, but it is not allowed to organize group make-up lessons or teach new lessons".

Rest assured: the situation of "reducing the burden on students and increasing the burden on teachers" will not appear

  Just as the student’s parent Liu Ying is worried, whether the policy will increase the workload of teachers, which will further affect daily teaching, is also one of the focuses of public opinion.

As soon as the "Notice" was released, "Canceling Teachers' Winter and Summer Vacations" became a hot search.

At the bottom of the "Notice" webpage, many teachers left a message to express their feelings: "The teachers are too tired, the teachers also have families and children." "The teacher group works hard throughout the year and relies on vacations. Can you consider introducing college students? Volunteers join the trusteeship ranks?"

  In this regard, Ding Dawei, deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Education Commission, said: “Each district education committee encourages cadres and teachers to take the initiative to participate in voluntary services, and actively guides outstanding teachers such as special-grade teachers, subject leaders, and key class teachers to participate in the trusteeship service. At the same time, all districts are required to organize and participate in the trusteeship service. Teacher training. What needs to be emphasized is that the development of student summer custody service is not to cancel summer vacation. The district education committees coordinate the teacher resources of the whole district, and reasonably select and arrange teachers to participate in the custody service on the basis of not affecting normal rest and further training."

  Ding Dawei told reporters that in order to do a good job in summer custody services, the Beijing Municipal Education Commission has established a three-level working mechanism of municipal level coordination, district level main responsibility, and school implementation. It will start on July 19 and end on August 20, divided into two Period, each 12-day summer custody service, "in the future, relevant policies will be improved and the establishment of a long-term mechanism will be explored."

  Chen Qiuming, director of the Shenzhen Municipal Education Bureau, talked about the "judgment criteria" for custody and after-school services. "We judge a school’s custody and after-school services. We mainly focus on four aspects: first, students' voluntary participation; The second is the degree of completion of written assignments; the third is the recognition of students' comprehensive quality display; the fourth is the satisfaction of all subjects, including parents, students and teachers. Our goal is: parents' satisfaction, students' love, and teacher's approval."

Distinction: Defining the "boundary" of managed services

  In terms of effectively reducing the burden on students and parents, from the "3:30" after-school custody service to the summer custody service, a series of real tricks are constantly being introduced. This is behind the point from "education points" to "education". Change.

  Chu Zhaohui believes that vacations and semesters should have completely different ways to achieve growth goals.

"Custody service needs to attach great importance to this growth opportunity, try to arrange students to learn independently, manage independently, and obtain more effective growth in the way they like: learn what you like to learn, do what you like to do, and play what you like to play; guide Students plan and design activities by themselves, arrange their own time, formulate their own rules, supervise their own implementation, choose their own roles, adjust and improve their plans based on the implementation status, and conduct self-assessment. In order to discover their own advantages and potentials, and discover what society needs to solve Questions and responsibilities to find one’s position, to lay the foundation for becoming the best self, and to find a path.” Chu Zhaohui said that while actively exploring and developing summer custody services, local education management departments need to strictly follow holiday activities and regular learning To distinguish them, to strictly build the line of defense not to organize group remedial classes or teach new classes, and not to secretly turn vacation trustees into review classes or remedial classes.

  Wang Ming, deputy director of the Education Development Research Center of the Ministry of Education, believes that summer trustees cannot ignore the role of family education. "It needs to be emphasized that parents who choose school summer trustees cannot trust it. Family education plays an irreplaceable role in student growth. In the summer life, parents still have to spare a certain amount of time to strengthen parent-child companionship and enhance parent-child relationship."

  Regarding the custody services of compulsory education schools, Lu Yugang put forward: "First of all, comprehensive coverage, that is, schools in all regions should proceed from reality and formulate specific implementation plans for perfect after-school services to ensure full coverage of compulsory education schools after school starts this fall. Cover, and strive to achieve full coverage of students in need. Secondly, we must ensure the time, that is, implement the after-school service "5+2" model, that is, the school will carry out after-school services 5 days a week, at least 2 hours a day, and the end time It must be connected with the local normal off-work hours. Thirdly, the quality must be improved, that is, the school must combine the characteristics of running a school, the learning and growth needs of students, and actively develop and set up a variety of after-school service projects to enhance attractiveness and effectiveness. Finally, it is necessary to strengthen guarantees , That is, the education administrative department should work with relevant departments to improve after-school service funding guarantee methods, clarify relevant standards, and adopt financial subsidies, service charges or agency fees to raise funds. After-school service funds are mainly used for teachers and related after-school services. Staff subsidies. After-school services are generally borne by the teachers of the school, and retired teachers, qualified social professionals or volunteers can also be hired. At the same time, make full use of social resources such as the Children's Palace and the Youth Activity Center."

(Beijing, July 13th, by our reporter Yao Xiaodan and Jin Haotian)