For the past two weeks, Malmö has been marked by shootings.

Only during the previous weekend, three shootings took place at different addresses in Malmö.

- Our assessment is that all the shootings that have taken place in the last two weeks have a bearing on the ongoing conflict, says Erik Åberg, deputy local area manager at the police.

More police on streets and squares

 Sydsvenskan was the first to report that the police have received reinforcements from other police districts.

- An external, visible reinforcement from other police areas.

Based on the situation, we have more police officers on the streets and squares.

We work intensively in the investigation work and receive reinforcement there as well, says Erik Åberg to TT.

- The prevailing situation is that we have an escalated conflict situation in the criminal circles, where it has led to a number of acts of violence in recent times.

A number of people have been detained

The police have recently detained a number of people connected to the conflict.

- I will not go into more detail on the number and exactly what cases it is about.

TT: What is the reason why there is an escalation right now?

- I will not go into detail on that, but we have a pretty good idea of ​​what it is that is behind these events.

- But you can make a general description, because we have seen this type of process before. It can be anything from personal conflicts, to violations to the fact that there is competition around, for example, the drug trade, says Erik Åberg.