According to UN agencies such as WFP = World Food Program, the number of people suffering from hunger in the last year due to the spread of the new coronavirus has increased by more than 100 million from the previous year, accounting for 1 in 10 of the world's population. It announced that it had reached more than 760 million people and called on the international community to make further efforts.

Five UN agencies, including WFP and FAO = Food and Agriculture Organization, jointly released a report on global food issues on the 12th.

According to this, the number of people suffering from hunger in the world was estimated to be about 768 million in the last year.

This is more than 110 million more than the previous year, which is one in ten of the world's population.

By region, there were 418 million in Asia and 281.6 million in Africa, both of which were higher than the previous year.

Regarding the background of the increase, the report reported that in addition to the continuous occurrence of droughts and floods due to the effects of global warming, civil wars and conflicts in various places, and the spread of the new coronavirus infection, I lost my job. We analyze that the increase in the number of people is also having an effect.

In the report, the heads of five UN agencies warned that "pandemics expose weaknesses in the food system and threaten the lives and livelihoods of people around the world," calling on the international community to take further action.