Good health plays a key role in showing your strength and activity and increasing the likelihood that you will live longer, and there are foods and habits that affect health, and increase or decrease the speed of your aging, so what are they?

Scientists have discovered that there are habits we practice daily that are responsible for our premature ageing.

In return, we can adopt alternative habits that will help us maintain our youth and ensure us to live a long and healthy life.

According to author Jane Senrich, in her report in the American "Reader's Digest" magazine, there is no such thing as the fountain of perpetual youth, but choosing healthy food intelligently may add years or decades to your life.

We start with 7 foods that you recommend avoiding or reducing to live longer:

1- Processed meats such as mortadella, sausage, sausages and salami

Although eating a mortadella sandwich for lunch is unlikely to lead to death, regular consumption of processed meat and prepared foods has been shown to be linked to many diseases such as heart disease and cancer, explains dietitian Dr. Roger Adams.

The World Health Organization classifies processed meat as carcinogenic.

Dr. Adams says that 20 experts from 10 countries reviewed more than 800 scientific studies and concluded that consuming 50 grams of processed meat per day increases the risk of colorectal cancer by 18%.

In addition, processed meats that are high in sodium can lead to a sharp and long-term rise in blood pressure.

2- White sugar and white flour products

White foods or foods that are processed and refined, and those that are often white in appearance, are unhealthy.

These foods (flour, bread, crackers, white rice, pastries, etc.) provide a lot of simple carbohydrates, and may play a role in weight gain, which in turn causes diabetes and heart disease.

3- Foods containing monosodium glutamate (MSG)

MSG, a flavor added to canned vegetables, soups, and processed meats, may add flavor to the food you eat, but this substance has been linked to a large number of health problems, such as headaches, redness, facial pressure, numbness, tingling or burning, rapid heart palpitations, nausea and problems with other.

Dietitian Dr. Caroline Dean advises choosing foods that are labeled as "free of MSG."

4- Grilled meat

Dr. Adams explains that when high heat touches the surface of the meat, a chemical reaction occurs that results in the formation of heterocyclic amines (HCAa) and PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons).

These compounds, Adams adds, are formed with the fats and juices dripping from the meat over the burning fire, causing a flame containing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons that stick to the surface of the meat.

The nutritionist explains this further by saying that studies have shown that exposure to these hydrocarbons and heterocyclic amines can cause cancer in animals, noting that scientists have been researching the relationship between meat cooking methods and cancer risks.

5- Trans-fats

Most french fries, pastries, biscuits, and any very sweet foods, whether frozen or fried, are high in trans fats.

Dr. Sally Warren, a traditional physical therapist, warns that trans fats are linked to inflammation, heart disease, stroke, diabetes and other chronic diseases that shorten a person's life.

6- Energy drinks

Cardiologist Dr. Nicole Weinberg says that caffeinated drinks are harmful to humans, even though they sometimes drink it.

Experts believe that the best thing that one can give to his body for a long and healthy life is to refrain from consuming energy drinks.

7- Ready meals

Experts advise to refrain from eating burgers and French fries.

According to Sherry Ross, an expert in women's health, eliminating ready-to-eat junk foods from your diet, which are high in saturated fat and sodium, will help you cut calories and fat.

"Within weeks of removing processed foods from the diet, your cholesterol levels improve," she says.

Now let's move on to 3 daily habits that make you look older and speed up your aging

 1- stress

Researchers have long warned of the damage that constant stress can do to our bodies.

It increases the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and other chronic diseases.

In addition, stress can cause aging at the cellular level, according to a report published by the American magazine It This Not That, by Michael Martin.

Harvard Medical School has shown that chronic stress shortens telomeres, the structures inside every cell that contain DNA.

Telomeres become long and shorter over time, and when they become too short, the cell eventually dies.

This process not only causes aging, but also makes a person more susceptible to serious diseases such as heart problems and cancer.

2- Not using sunscreen

Regularly applying sunscreen will not only protect you from deadly skin cancer, it will also make you look younger.

Over time, exposure to UV rays can damage the skin, causing long-lasting changes.

Skin aging causes changes in collagen deep in the skin, leading to the formation of wrinkles and fine lines.

To avoid this, experts advise to make sure to use a sunscreen with a protection factor of at least 30, to provide good protection from UV rays.

3- Excessive sugar intake

Consuming a lot of sugar makes you look older.

When we eat sugar, it interacts with protein in the body in a process called glycation.

Sugar binds to collagen and elastin, two compounds in the skin that maintain the freshness and health of the skin. Excessive sugar results in the appearance of advanced end-products of gluing, and this causes sagging of the skin, which in turn leads to the appearance of wrinkles.

Instead, cutting back on sugary and processed foods helps maintain a healthy weight and lowers the risk of conditions such as heart disease and diabetes, ensuring you remain youthful inside and out.