The government has appointed Mr. Hiroyuki Kishi, a professor at Keio University Graduate School, who was originally from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and was the secretary of the then Minister for Economic Finance and Postal Service Privatization, as a Special Advisor to the Cabinet on the 9th. did.

Hiroyuki Kishi, who was appointed as Special Advisor to the Cabinet, is 58 years old.

Joined the former Ministry of International Trade and Industry in 1986, served as a secretary to the then Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Heizo Takenaka, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, and retired from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. He is a professor at the Graduate School of Design and a special advisor to Osaka Prefecture and Osaka City.

The government wants to get advice from Mr. Kishi on growth strategies, regulatory reforms, economic and industrial policies, as well as public relations strategies.

At a press conference, Chief Cabinet Secretary Kato said, "In addition to having a wide range of administrative experience, he has also experienced various posts and is active in various media. Utilizing such experience and specialized knowledge, he will provide information to Prime Minister Suga as appropriate. I look forward to receiving your advice. "