Xi Jinping's well-off story丨"The key core technology is not available, can't be bought, and can't be bought"-Xi Jinping's story of promoting technological innovation

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 8th, title: "The key core technology is not available, not bought, not available"-Xi Jinping's story of promoting technological innovation

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Dong Ruifeng

  "Make new and greater contributions to the noble cause of exploring the mysteries of the universe and promoting the peace and development of mankind!"

  On May 15, 2021, my country's first Mars exploration mission successfully landed on Mars. General Secretary Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory message.

This major achievement of my country's scientific and technological innovation makes the people of the whole country feel proud.

This is the "Photo Tour" taken by the Mars Rover Zhurong released on June 11.

Issued by Xinhua News Agency (Photo courtesy of China National Space Administration)

  Innovation is the soul of a nation’s progress and an inexhaustible source of prosperity for a country.

  What does a well-off society depend on?

Must rely on innovation.

  "If you follow the old road of extensive management, energy resources cannot be supported. A new path must be found and driven by innovation." General Secretary Xi Jinping said.

Technological innovation should serve the development of society and the people

  China's immunization "Great Wall" is accelerating its formation!

  More than 20 new crown vaccines have entered the clinical trial stage. my country's new crown vaccine research and development speed and quantity have always been in the world's first square; the release of vaccine production capacity has accelerated, and the daily inoculation volume can reach more than 20 million doses... The speed of China that has attracted the attention of the world, is The lives and health of more than 1.4 billion people have woven a tighter "safety net", which has also injected confidence in the global victory over the epidemic.

  The hour hand of history goes back more than a year ago.

March 2, 2020, Beijing.

  General Secretary Xi Jinping, who came to inspect, learned about the progress of vaccine and antibody development in combination with exhibition boards and physical objects.

He pointed out that it is necessary to accelerate the development of vaccines with various technical routes, and at the same time closely follow the progress of foreign research and development, strengthen cooperation, and strive to promote the clinical trials and market use of vaccines as soon as possible.

  "Facing the lives and health of the people"-Since the outbreak of the epidemic, General Secretary Xi Jinping has put forward new requirements for scientific and technological innovation.

  Speed ​​up, speed up again!

The epidemic prevention and control scientific research team, which has brought together superior forces in multiple fields and disciplines across the country, is non-stop.

On December 23, 2020, the staff of Kexing Zhongwei carried out inspection work in the quality inspection laboratory of the new coronavirus inactivated vaccine.

Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Yuwei

  Just after the New Year's Eve of 2020, the scientific researchers of Beijing Kexing Zhongwei Biotechnology Co., Ltd. set off, and the first vaccine research and development team entered the P3 laboratory of the Zhejiang Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

  For this important and urgent task, the government departments acted quickly and provided tremendous support.

Funds for the first scientific research project were in place, and a production workshop of more than 5,000 square meters was quickly approved.

Researchers have no distractions, racing against time...

  Today, my country is advancing the largest scale of COVID-19 vaccination.

China's new crown vaccine has been approved for use in more than 100 countries and regions around the world.

  "To satisfy the people's yearning for a better life as the foothold of scientific and technological innovation, and to benefit, benefit, enrich, and improve people's livelihood as an important direction for scientific and technological innovation." General Secretary Xi Jinping declared at the academician conference of the two academies in 2018. .

  Putting the arm under the instrument can clearly illuminate the blood vessels-a medical device known as the "artificial needle stick", which attracted the attention of General Secretary Xi Jinping. He stretched his hand under the instrument with great interest to experience it.

The exterior scene of the China Science and Technology Incubator initiated by Xi'an Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (photographed on June 15, 2016)

Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Yibo

  On February 15, 2015, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the Xi’an Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences for investigation.

  "The core technology cannot be achieved by alms, and we must rely on self-reliance." After carefully understanding the achievements of industrialization, General Secretary Xi Jinping encouraged everyone, "Scientific and technical personnel must establish a strong innovation responsibility and innovation confidence."

  Since the creation of the innovation platform for the industrialization of scientific and technological achievements-Zhongke Chuangxing in 2013, Xi’an Institute of Optics and Mechanics has adopted the innovative development model of “dismantling walls, opening up offices, professional incubation, and entrepreneurial ecology” to make a group of high-tech originals Technical scientific researchers embark on the road of achievement transformation.

  Up to now, nearly 400 hard technology companies have been incubated here, and a group of "unicorn" companies have been cultivated to continuously inject water into regional economic growth.

The "Needle Artifact" placed in the exhibition hall six years ago has been sold to more than ten countries overseas today.

  From continuously improving people's livelihood and well-being to adding new momentum to high-quality development, since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, my country's overall innovation capability has greatly improved.

In 2020, the total R&D expenditure of the society will reach 2.4 trillion yuan, accounting for 2.4% of GDP; the contribution rate of scientific and technological progress is estimated to exceed 60%.

  The “scanning” that can be seen everywhere, the endless emergence of “unmanned” new business formats, the “booster” of the Science and Technology Innovation Board to initiate economic transformation and upgrading... During the “13th Five-Year Plan” period, my country's innovation index ranking rose from 29th to No. 14, technological innovation is deeply immersed in the daily lives of hundreds of millions of Chinese people.

Put the wings of science and technology on agricultural modernization

  During the National Two Sessions in 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping told a "golden pole" story.

  Back then, the people around me talked about what kind of life would be the best.

On the basis of "eating fine grains if you want to eat fine grains, and eating meat often", what higher level is there?

Their answer is—in the future, they will carry a golden pole to work in the mountains!

  "This'golden pole', I understand it as agricultural modernization." General Secretary Xi Jinping said emotionally.

  To help farmers, there is no shortage of all-round well-off--modern and efficient agriculture is a good way to get rich.

Aerial view of Xiajiang Village, Chun'an County, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province (taken on August 9, 2017, UAV photo).

Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Huang Zongzhi

  Xiajiang Village, Chun'an, Zhejiang.

Surrounded by mountains, the average per capita is less than one mu of arable land.

  Lack of funds and talents, the villagers have little confidence in farming and farming: "Can'golden knots' grow in this kind of land?"

  In 2003, Xi Jinping, then secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, came to the village to inquire about the situation in detail and discuss the countermeasures together: "The province will study it and send a science and technology commissioner to your village."

  Yu Xuping, a senior engineer from the Zhejiang Institute of Chinese Materia Medica, came and stayed in the village for a month. He walked all over the ditch and ridges and pointed with his hand: The Chinese herbal medicine Huang Gardenia is suitable for the local soil.

  500 acres of yellow gardenia are planted in the low pit with weeds and shrubs.

Two years later, each farmer in Xiajiang Village can earn more than 4,000 yuan from planting medicinal materials.

Science and Technology Commissioner Xie Fuxin (right) instructs fruit growers in a vineyard in Kaoting Village, Jianyang District, Nanping City, Fujian Province (photographed on May 27).

Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Lin Shanchuan

  To show to the farmers, to lead the farmers to work, to help the farmers earn...From the "sparkle fire" in Nanping, Fujian to the "flower of innovation" promoted nationwide.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, about 290,000 science and technology commissioners have gone to the front line of poverty alleviation and achieved full coverage of science and technology services and entrepreneurship in nearly 100,000 registered poor villages across the country.

  The way out for agriculture lies in modernization, and the key to agricultural modernization lies in science and technology.

At the demonstration meeting of agricultural machinery unmanned operation held at Qixing Farm in Heilongjiang Reclamation Area, an unmanned harvester demonstrates harvesting operations in a rice field (photographed on October 11, 2020).

Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Sun Xiaoyu

  The rice waves are rolling, eyes full of golden.

Located in the east of Heilongjiang Province, Qixing Farm Wanmu Dadi has more than 10 large harvesters lined up.

  The Great Northern Wilderness in the past, the Beidacang today.

On September 25, 2018, General Secretary Xi Jinping came here to investigate the mechanization of the entire production process.

  Technological innovation "unlocks" the code for the development of modern agriculture in the black soil.

In space, the Gaofen-1 satellite regularly "visited" the farm and downloaded the collected data to the information center.

In the field, sensors monitor and extract various environmental element information in real time to achieve precise management of 10,000 acres of fields.

  According to data from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the current contribution rate of my country's agricultural science and technology progress exceeds 60%, and the mechanization level of main crop cultivation and harvesting exceeds 70%. The national average yield of grain crops has reached 382 kg/mu, which is more than five times that of the initial stage of the founding of New China.

  Today, China's agricultural modernization is being plugged into the wings of science and technology.

The fundamental source of technological innovation lies in people

  "You have devoted yourself to the aerospace industry of the motherland in your youth, and you are still concerned about the future of the aerospace industry of the motherland in your old age. I am deeply moved." On April 23, 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping gave Sun Jiadong, Wang Xiji and others who participated in the "Dongfanghong 1" mission. The old scientist wrote in reply.

  From a large number of older scientists such as Li Siguang, Qian Xuesen, Qian Sanqiang, and Deng Jiaxian to a large number of outstanding scientists who grew up after the founding of New China, such as Chen Jingrun, Huang Danian, and Nan Rendong, General Secretary Xi Jinping has cordially Mention these names.

  Talent is the first resource.

Technological innovation is inseparable from innovative talents.

Lu Chaoyang (middle) and students check the operation of the light quantum computer (photographed on May 3, 2017).

Lu Chaoyang, a post-80s professor at the University of Science and Technology of China, has always had a belief in his heart: let the Chinese stand on top of quantum science.

After graduating from the University of Cambridge at the age of 28, Lu Chaoyang immediately returned to China and devoted himself to cutting-edge research in the quantum field.

Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Jin Liwang

  Lu Chaoyang, a post-80s professor at the University of Science and Technology of China, has always had a belief in his heart: let the Chinese stand on top of quantum science.

After graduating from the University of Cambridge at the age of 28, Lu Chaoyang immediately returned to China and devoted himself to cutting-edge research in the quantum field.

  "We must fully understand the importance and urgency of promoting the development of quantum technology, strengthen the strategic planning and system layout of quantum technology development, grasp the general trend, and play the first move." General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over the 24th collective study of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee The important speech of the time gave Lu Chaoyang greater confidence in the "no man's land" of in-depth scientific research.

On December 4, 2020, the University of Science and Technology of China announced that the school’s Pan Jianwei and others have successfully constructed the 76-photon quantum computing prototype "Nine Chapters", which is a physical map of light quantum interference.

Xinhua News Agency

  On December 4, 2020, his main team successfully developed the "Nine Chapters" of quantum computing prototypes, occupying a leading position in the world.

  A text message from teacher Pan Jianwei has been stored in Lu Chaoyang’s cell phone: "I hope you will study hard, come back soon, and contribute to the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation."

This is a model of the "Mozi" quantum satellite taken at the Anhui Innovation Hall (photographed on August 25, 2020).

Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Junxi

  From the "Mozi" satellite to the thousand-kilometer-class quantum secure communication trunk line, and then to the realization of "quantum superiority" in quantum computing, the British "Nature" magazine evaluated that China's quantum field "developed from a humble country 10 years ago to The current world powerhouse".

  During the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, my country has strengthened the construction of scientific and technological talents, and the talent structure has been further optimized: the full-time equivalent of R&D personnel has increased from 3.76 million in 2015 to 4.8 million in 2019, and a group of leading talents and innovative teams stand out , Young scientific and technological talents have gradually become the main force of scientific research.

  Thanks to the continuous growth and expansion of the talent team, during this period, my country's scientific and technological innovation strength is moving from the accumulation of quantity to the qualitative leap, from the breakthrough of points to the improvement of system capabilities.

On December 4, 2020, the National Space Administration announced the photos of the lunar exploration project Chang'e-5 probe displayed on the lunar surface of the national flag.

The panoramic camera of the Chang'e-5 lander and ascender combined the panoramic camera to take the image. The five-star red flag was successfully deployed on the lunar surface. In addition, the robotic arm and sampler that have completed surface sampling can be seen above the image.

Issued by Xinhua News Agency (Photo courtesy of China National Space Administration)

  From Chang'e 5 "up to nine days" to "Fighter" "under the five oceans", from high-speed rail and 5G to fostering new growth poles, to big data and artificial intelligence empowering high-quality development, from quantum and stem cell research to in-depth "nothing" "Human Zone", "China Road", "China Bridge", and "China Nuclear Power" continue to go out... Whether it is basic research, high-tech, or achievement transformation, engineering application, major innovations are emerging.

This is the "Fighter" (profile photo).

Issued by Xinhua News Agency (Photo courtesy of China Shipbuilding Corporation)

  The world today is undergoing major changes unseen in a century, and technological innovation is one of the key variables.

  The hour hand of history points to 1970.

The news of the successful launch of my country's first man-made earth satellite "Dongfanghong-1" made Xi Jinping, a young man in Liangjiahe in northern Shaanxi, very excited.

  Looking back on this scene many years later, General Secretary Xi Jinping still sighed: Human beings are small in the face of the vast universe, but the spirit of human exploration is great.

  "The young generation has ideals, skills, and responsibilities, science and technology have a future, and innovation has hope." General Secretary Xi Jinping said.

  Text reporter: Dong Ruifeng

  Video reporters: Li Zhenyu, Ma Zhiyi, Ma Xiaodong, Wei Mengjia, Jin Jian, Si Xiaoshuai, Jiang Mingming;

  Reporters: Dai Yinxu, Pan Deng, Li Cheng, Ma Minglei, Feng Yu

  Poster design: Yin Zhelun

  Coordinator: Zhao Peng, Zhang Shuqi

  New media editor: Wang Yuxuan