• Pascal, Brigitte, Sébastien and Charlotte Troadec were killed on the night of February 16 to 17, 2017 in Orvault.

  • Hubert Caouissin, 50, tried for murders and attacking the integrity of corpses, was sentenced to 30 years in prison.

During the fifteen days of this extraordinary hearing, he sometimes drowned in details, sometimes took refuge behind “black holes”, but always maintained the version according to which he had killed to defend himself.

This Wednesday evening, while the trial failed to remove all the gray areas surrounding the tragedy, Hubert Caouissin was sentenced to 30 years in prison.

This 50-year-old man appeared before the Loire-Atlantique Assize Court and was found guilty of the murder of the Troadecs, one night in February 2017 in Orvault near Nantes.

Four members of his in-laws to whom he asked "forgiveness" from the glass box, for his last words in the early afternoon.

After more than 7 hours of deliberation, the jurors

therefore did not follow the requisitions of the attorneys general, who asked for life imprisonment, and retained the alteration of discernment, an element which lowered the sentence.

Her former partner and mother of her son, Lydie Troadec, was sentenced to three years in prison, one of which was suspended for concealing corpses and altering the scene of a crime.

This 52-year-old woman, who appeared free, was imprisoned at the end of the hearing.

A "huge relief" for defense lawyers

"It is a huge relief for us and our client, even if it is not a victory, reacted Thierry Fillion and Patrick Larvor, the lawyers of Hubert Caouissin, whose objective was to avoid life imprisonment. their client. There is no special security period [it is therefore equal to half the sentence, ie 15 years], which gives Mr. Caouissin a deadline, a real prospect. This morning, during their long pleadings, they insisted on the "chronic delirium of the paranoid type" which led this "ordinary man" to commit the crimes in "panic", recalling that the analysis of traces of blood was presented as "compatible" on several points with the version of the accused.

Since June 22, the Loire-Atlantique Assize Court has been trying to understand why and how this former boilermaker was able to kill his brother-in-law Pascal, his wife Brigitte (49 years old) and their children Charlotte (18 years old) and Sébastien ( 21 years old) with doe kicks, before butchering and burning them on his property in Finistère.

From her "descent into hell" long before the events to her "delusional gold rush" around an imaginary loot, she also listened for long hours to recount, without apparent emotion, this "fight that degenerated. »In the pavilion then the scenario as horrible as methodical which resulted in the almost total destruction of the four bodies.


Troadec case: The child of the accused, absent from the trial but omnipresent in the debates


Troadec case: The appalling destruction of the bodies of the victims mentioned at the trial

  • Assize Court

  • Murder

  • Troadec family

  • Nantes