During the morning, the Center Party held a council of trustees on which path the party should choose in the new government formation.

- We are prepared to press yellow for an S and MP government in exchange for us carrying out reforms for a stronger property right, a freer labor market and reformed beach protection, says Annie Lööf.

At the same time, the party is in opposition and will lay down its own budget this autumn.

- We will put our own budget motion this autumn, the government needs to take responsibility for getting its budget through in the Riksdag and I assume that they are sensitive to what several parties believe, she says.

The Green Party says no

Annie Lööf says that they will not accept a budget where the Left Party has been involved in the negotiations and the Green Party has said no to the reforms that the Center Party demands.

Spokesman Per Bolund (MP) tells Svenska Dagbladet that the reason is the Center's requirements for beach protection and the forest.

- We have come to the conclusion that we can not meet the requirements set by C when it comes to beach protection and the forest.

We do not intend to negotiate protection of nature and the right of public access, says Per Bolund to Svenska Dagbladet.

"Most expected"

Now the government needs to get both the Center Party and the Green Party to agree and get a budget that is accepted by both the Center Party and the Left Party.

- This was highly expected. An agreement was reached with the government this weekend on this solution. But this kind of thing is never clear until it is clear and the Green Party seems to say no in this situation, says Elisabeth Marmorstein, domestic policy commentator.