Foreign media and scholars marvel at the 100-year achievements of the Communist Party of China, changing China is also changing the world

  "July 1, 2021 is a very important day for the Communist Party of China and the world communist movement, that is, the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China." The Russian Binhai Media Network quoted scholars and commented that in the long history of the world, this period of time Like a white horse, it has changed the lives of the Chinese people drastically.

"In the past hundred years, China has achieved a leap from wooden plows and hoes to successful moon landings, from being poor and white to being a strong social culture."

  "When the Chinese Communist Party was founded in Shanghai in 1921, the country was still very poor." The Austrian "Standard" website describes China today: "If you walk in Shanghai, Beijing or Shenzhen today, you will find that the density of new cars is much higher. In Vienna. In the beautiful new world, people can’t find slums or tin huts. There are optimistic generations sitting in restaurants, all of them holding smartphones. If it weren’t for the new crown pneumonia pandemic, they might plan to go to Europe for a vacation... …"

  This year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and the international community continues to discuss that the Communist Party of China will lead China to achieve great changes.

The world marveled at the glorious achievements of the Chinese Communist Party over the past century, and is looking forward to understanding and deciphering the successful code for the rapid and sustained rise of an ancient civilization in the era of globalization.

  "The Chinese Communist Party rescued China from the'hundred-year humiliation'"

  As the Chinese Communist Party celebrates its centennial anniversary, red banners, posters and colorful decorations can be seen everywhere in China.

The website of Uruguay's "Observer" reported that in the streets and lanes of community stores in China, the emblem of the Communist Party of China composed of sickles and hammers, and huge banners with red "100" numbers can be seen everywhere.

  People recalled the starting point of the Chinese Communist Party in July 1921: in a bungalow in the French Concession in Shanghai, more than a dozen young communist group members convened secretly the first meeting of the Chinese Communist Party.

Looking back at the situation back then, even today it is still hard to imagine: "In a century, this party will become the world's most outstanding standard-bearer of communism."

  Bo Xiwen, the former director of the Department of European and International Affairs in the State of Hessen, Germany, wrote: “The external environment at the time was very unfavorable. Nightclubs and racetracks lead an extravagant life. The sign in front of Huangpu Park reads: "Chinese and dogs are not allowed to enter."

  The same observation comes from the British weekly "The Economist": "China in July 1921 was a poor country, suffering from civil war. Most of the 400 million people lived in the countryside. A famine swept the north. Hundreds of thousands of people died. But the foreigners in Shanghai live a life of drunkenness and gold, they live in a concession of about 30 square kilometers..."

  "Since the defeat of the Qing Dynasty in the Opium War, China's national crisis and social crisis have continued to deepen." The Japanese historian Mitsuyoshi Himeda pointed out that before the emergence of the Communist Party of China, there were progressive classes in China. Regrettably, they served China. The efforts made to save the nation from the extinction have not changed China's dark state of being carved up and continuing to sink.

The Communist Party of China through the revolutionary war, the foreign war against aggression, and a series of efforts after taking office, after paying a huge price, let China from the danger of national subjugation and extinction finally become a powerful country with the second largest economy in the world today, and People still have unlimited expectations for its future development.

  "The 100 years of the CCP can only be described in two words, it is great." said Mitsuyoshi Himeda.

  Some foreign scholars said in this analysis that after experiencing a period of weakness and humiliation, China objectively needs an organization to lead the country toward unity, counter the aggression of powerful enemies, and win the support of like-minded people.

"The Communist Party of China has successfully fulfilled its historical mission." said Yuri Tavrovsky, a professor at the People's Friendship University of Russia.

  "The Communist Party of China has played an indispensable role in Chinese history." The website of the Royal Elcano Institute of Spain pointed out in the article "100 Years of the Communist Party of China" that with the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Chinese Communist Party ended China's long-term crisis and decline. ; The CCP has led a great process of economic transformation. “Thanks to the new direction determined in the late 1970s, China has initiated the most ambitious economic revolution in human history. Never before has so many people experienced this in such a short period of time. Huge improvement in living standards".

  "The 100 years of the Communist Party of China have been a century in which the Chinese people took their destiny back into their own hands, continuously got rid of bullying, poverty, and gained self-esteem." Bo Xiwen wrote.

The website of the British weekly "Economist" stated: "There is a sentence deeply rooted in the hearts of the people: The Communist Party of China rescued China from the'hundred-year humiliation' that began in the Opium War." The same observation also comes from the Kenyan Capital FM website: "The past century The Communist Party of China has led China from a fragmented, economically impoverished, weak, and diplomatic country into the most compelling international participant in the 21st century."

  "The Communist Party of China is different from any other political party in the world. Its existence prompts us to rethink what a political party is."

  For overseas media and scholars who are concerned about the Chinese Communist Party, a topic that cannot be avoided is: What is the secret of "longevity" for this big party that is entering its prime?

Why is it still "light-footed" and "hard-bodied" on the occasion of its centennial birthday?

  The BBC website noted that the Communist Party of China has been in power throughout the country for nearly 72 years, making it the longest in power in history.

According to the website of Dominican "Today", a ruling party has successfully lifted a country out of extreme poverty in less than a generation, and has become one of the leading ranks in the world in all aspects.

In the words of British scholar Kelly Brown, "The Chinese Communist Party has led China through an epic modernization process."

  Martin Jacques, a senior researcher at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom, analyzed that the Communist Party of China is different from any other political party in the world. Its existence prompts us to rethink what a political party is.

  In this analysis, Bo Xiwen said: “The West should realize that the Chinese Communist Party is not a niche elite political party. Its representativeness to all the people is unmatched by other parties in the world. More than 90 million Chinese Communist Party members come from all walks of life. They are, in the past, present and in the future, wholeheartedly seeking the development of the country and the happiness of the people.” The same observation also comes from Yuri Tavrovsky: The Communist Party of China “is the common denominator of the interests of all classes and groups and serves The coordinator of production and social relations for the interests of the whole nation."

  The website of Kazakh "Industry News" pointed out that, unlike the loose management style of Western parties, the Communist Party of China has strict organizational discipline, can form a unified will, take unified actions, and has institutional advantages in integrating power and resources to complete important tasks, thereby ensuring The party’s cohesion, combat effectiveness, and action.

  Many overseas media and scholars believe that the main factor for the Chinese Communist Party to maintain its lofty status in China is to be close to the masses, and the corresponding values ​​are "people first" and "people-centered".

They noticed that compared with 1949, the lives of the Chinese people are much better today. The average life expectancy has more than doubled, the material life is more abundant, the education level is higher, and the body is healthier.

"From the perspective of a series of human development indicators such as literacy rate, infant survival rate, and nutritional level, the lifestyle of the Chinese people today is completely different from that of their ancestors."

  The two sets of poll data have been heavily quoted by foreign media to show the Chinese Communist Party’s solid political and mass foundation: A poll published by the Washington Post in May 2021 shows that Chinese citizens trust their government at 98%.

Another poll released by Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government in July 2020 showed that Chinese people are more than 93% satisfied with the government under the leadership of the Communist Party.

  According to the analysis of the "Industry News" of Kazakhstan, the Communist Party of China has developed from a party with only a few dozen members when it was founded to the world's largest party with more than 90 million members. It has been in power for 72 consecutive years and its global influence has continued to grow. This achievement has been achieved. An important secret is to adhere to a people-centered political stance.

Former Greek Foreign Minister George Catrugalos said bluntly, “The Communist Party of China always regards its relationship with the people as a relationship between fish and water. China’s development miracle benefits from the Chinese Communist Party’s people-centered concept.”

  "It is very rare that the Chinese Communist Party can always maintain a humble and constantly learning state."

  How can the Chinese Communist Party lead the Chinese people from the poverty and weakness of the old China to the great rejuvenation of the new China?

This is the focus of attention.

  The Russian "Pravda" analyzed the important secret of the success of the Chinese Communist Party: mastering advanced theories and being able to learn from history and the people.

The answer from the website of the "Industry News" of Kazakhstan is: The Chinese Communist Party is guided by Marxism, and has also learned to use it creatively in actual struggles, combining the general principles of Marxism with China’s specific national conditions, so as to be able to formulate rationally The party’s line, principles, and policies follow its own path of development.

  "There are many reasons for China's rapid rise, the most important being its unparalleled national capabilities, and the ability of the Chinese Communist Party to design and implement policies that will change the lives of 1.4 billion people is its main feature." Kenyan international affairs expert Cavins Adhi Analysis: How did the Chinese Communist Party achieve this?

Perhaps an important factor is the establishment of a knowledge-based governance system.

The Chinese Communist Party has amazing talents in all walks of life, which allows Beijing to build a knowledge-driven economy.

  Overseas scholars from different countries have also unanimously focused their attention on a unique advantage of China's political system: the Chinese Communist Party can make long-term plans and persevere in achieving its goals.

  According to foreign media analysis, under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, China has a long-term plan, 5 years, 10 years, or even longer.

"This ability to predict, predict and predict is a solid foundation for dealing with various crises. This is completely unlike some countries, where everything is for elections. One president has one idea. The successor negates the policies of the predecessor. The national plan lacks consistency." Argentina Patricio Giusto, a professor at Catholic University and director of the Arab-Chinese Research Center, pointed out that “The CCP is good at setting long-term goals and persisting in achieving them, such as environmental governance, poverty alleviation, scientific and technological development, etc., which have a good reference for the world. significance".

  Governing and leading a country that continues to change will inevitably require the Communist Party of China to continue to make internal changes.

Western scholars analyze that the success of the Chinese Communist Party includes at least three meanings, that is, it is changing China and also changing the world. Of course, it is also breaking through the traditional "self" and changing itself.

  "It is very rare for the Chinese Communist Party to maintain a state of humility and continuous learning." Martin Jacques pointed out that at present, the Chinese Communist Party is the largest political party in the world. One of its characteristics is its ability to continuously reform itself and keep moving forward. status.

The Chinese Communist Party will respond to the latest situation in the country and think about what it should do next.

  According to the website of the "Industry News" of Kazakhstan, the Communist Party of China has always insisted on administering the party strictly in an all-round way, resolutely cracking down on corruption, and continuously improving the ability of self-purification, self-improvement, self-innovation, and self-improvement.

This allows it to maintain its advanced nature and selflessness even in complex situations, and withstand various tests.

This is also the most distinctive feature of the Chinese Communist Party.

  "The Communist Party of China is undoubtedly the most successful party in the past 100 years." Martin Jacques pointed out, "The extraordinary achievement of the Communist Party of China lies in its ability to find a way to integrate tremendous reform capabilities with Chinese society and culture in 100 years of history. The method of combining."

  "Although the CCP emphasizes that every country should find its own way, there must be a lot of things in the party worth learning." Eduardo Klinger Pevida, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Dominican Republic, wrote.

  "The Communist Party of China has sufficient political wisdom and political character to deal with new challenges"

  In the 100 years since the founding of the Communist Party of China, it has left a footprint that determines its direction in modern Chinese history.

The present and future of China have been closely linked with the Communist Party of China.

  Alexander Baonov, the first secretary of the Bulgarian Communist Party, believes that the 100 years of the Communist Party of China in seeking happiness for the people, rejuvenation for the nation, and unity for the world is a magnificent history lesson. This is a great pioneering work of the Communist Party of China. The world is a valuable experience for the international labor movement and the communist movement.

  2021 is a major moment for the 100th anniversary of the Communist Party of China, and it is also a key node in the historical intersection of the "two centenary" goals.

The "14th Five-Year Plan" begins and a new journey begins.

As the navigator of the ship carrying more than 1.4 billion Chinese people, the Communist Party of China-the party that manages the world's most populous country-has attracted much attention in its next move.

  Japan's "Yomiuri Shimbun" stated that the Chinese Communist Party has set forth "two centenary" goals.

This year, China will announce the completion of a moderately prosperous society in all respects.

What the Chinese Communist Party will pursue next is to build China into a "socialist modernized power" in 2049.

The same observation comes from the website of the Russian club Izborsk: The goal of the first time node has been achieved, and now, China is moving steadily towards the goal of building a "socialist modernized power" in the middle of this century.

  Martin Jacques analysis, this is about 30 years later.

By then, most of China's population was born after 2000. They have never experienced China's poverty and weakness. In other words, people's expectations will be very different.

"What is certain is: Based on past achievements, governance capabilities, and change capabilities, the Communist Party of China will still be the leader and designer of China."

  The Swiss "Daily" website reported that building a socialist modern power in an all-round way will only achieve a stage goal.

This is because it is stated in the general outline of the Constitution of the Communist Party of China that the party's highest ideal and ultimate goal is to realize communism.

The development and improvement of the socialist system is a long-term historical process.

China's socialist cause is bound to win the final victory.

Therefore, for the Communist Party, a hundred years is only the first few steps on the Long March.

In the words of Alexander Baonov, the Chinese Communist Party "has a lot of'hundred-year marathons' to run" and "the Chinese Communist Party has sufficient political wisdom and political character to deal with new challenges."

(Our reporter Han Yadong)