Do you know the sleep pattern that hurts your body more than staying up late?

The more you sleep in your nap, the more tired you are.


  is it necessary to get more sleep?

Can really sleep "silly"

  In daily life, some people like to work at night and find it efficient; others are forced to work overtime and give up sleep; some like to sleep late and call themselves "sleeping beauties"; some suffer from insomnia for a long time and count sheep until dawn; some are sleepy and tired all the year round. Can fall asleep at any time... What kind of sleeping habits are healthy? Is it enough to sleep more?

Is there a sleep pattern that hurts the body later than going to bed late?

Why do you feel tired the more you sleep in your nap?

The doctor has something to say today.

  When to sleep and when to wake up?

Listen to what the ancestors say

  The twelve-hour regimen of traditional Chinese medicine is very instructive for daily work, rest and daily life.

According to the twelve o'clock health regimen of traditional Chinese medicine, when sleeping (21:00-23:00) when sleeping, when you are sleeping (5:00-7:00) you should get up.

Haishi, also known as Rending, Dingyun, and Kuiye, is the last hour of the twelve hours in a day and night.

The ancients used the description of "Xu Shi (Note: 19:00-21:00), the sun will come and return to the countryside; the Hai Shi, people will return to their roots and sleep well in the morning", which means that from 21:00 to 23:00 in the night, people should rest and sleep. .

After 23 o'clock, it's time to fall asleep.

When sleeping during the hai, the Baimai can be recuperated and rejuvenated, which is very beneficial to the body.

  At Mao's hour (5:00-7:00), you should get up. Don't be greedy for the bed. There are all harms but no benefits.

From the perspective of the corresponding relationship between the viscera and the viscera, Mao Shi corresponds to the large intestine.

That is to say, at this time, people should get up and defecate, because the large intestine should go to work. It excretes the dregs left over from digested food yesterday, so that the refreshing and ethereal body can receive a new day's breakfast.

The next hour of Mao Shi is Chen Shi (7:00-9:00), which corresponds to the "stomach", oh, with an empty stomach, it's time to have breakfast.

  Don't worry about the best sleep time. Look here

  According to the calculations of sleeping in Haishi and waking up in Mao, the sleep time in the range of 6 to 10 hours is consistent with the twelve o'clock regimen.

According to the "take the middle" approach of "not owe more, compromise and reconcile", 8 hours is the best length of sleep, that is, the ideal work and rest time should be to go to bed at 22 o'clock and get up at 6 o'clock.

There are also some studies on optimal sleep duration abroad, and the results of these studies are published in authoritative journals.

Some studies believe that 7 hours is the best sleep time, and that 7 hours of sleep can minimize mortality and morbidity.

There are also research conclusions that 6.5 to 7.4 hours of sleep time is the most appropriate.

  As a general public, there is really no need to worry about whether you have slept for 6.5 to 7.4 hours or 7.8 hours. People who are struggling with this problem may not be able to sleep.

Furthermore, the 8-hour sleep pattern of going to bed at 22:00 and waking up at 6 is not necessarily contrary to the conclusion of 7 hours or 6.5-7.4 hours-who is said to be able to fall asleep as soon as they lie down?

Who hasn't been awakened by the 5:30 pee?

It’s almost 6.5-7.4 hours after pinching the head and tail.

Chinese medicine has summarized a set of good work and rest rules thousands of years ago. The teachings of the ancestors are worth listening to!

  The risk of cardiovascular disease doubles for 2 hours of lack of sleep every night

  When it comes to this issue, those rigorous and rigid scientists are really the patron saint of our health.

Now, let's take a closer look at these scientific research conclusions: A study published in the "Sleep" magazine shows that lack of sleep can cause blood pressure to rise, and the risk of heart disease and stroke increases.

People whose sleep is reduced from 7 hours a night to less than 5 hours per night are 1.7 times more likely to die due to various causes. Therefore, they are more than twice as likely to suffer from cardiovascular disease and cause death.

It can be seen that the hazards of insufficient sleep are mainly reflected in the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Please night owls, or friends who often work overtime, to realize this hazard!

  Too much sleep is too much to "sleep stupid"!

  I have learned about the hazards of insufficient sleep time. So, is the longer the sleep time the better?

Remind those friends who call themselves "Sleeping Beauty" that too long sleep is also very harmful.

A 22-year follow-up study of 21,000 adults in Finland found that men who slept for more than 8 hours were 24% more likely to die than men who slept for 7 to 8 hours, and women were 17% more likely to die.

A South Korean study published in "Neuromechanics" showed that people who sleep more than 8 to 9 hours a day have a 38% higher risk of cognitive impairment and dementia than those who sleep 7 to 8 hours a day. The risk increased by 42%.

  Further research also found that once the daily sleep time reaches more than 8 hours, then whether it is 10 hours or 15 hours of sleep afterwards, the risk of dementia will remain stable at about 40%.

Data published by the Alzheimer's (Alzheimer's Disease) Association also shows that long-term sleep for older people for more than 7 hours (or lack of sleep) can lead to poor concentration and even Alzheimer's disease, which increases the risk of premature death.

  In other words, the longer you sleep, the easier it is to "dementia."

There is a ridicule of "sleeping stupid" among the folks. It seems that you can really sleep stupid!

  This sleep mode is more harmful than "staying up all night"

  After 23 o'clock, still not sleeping, this situation is a typical "staying up late".

But some people habitually go to bed late and get up late, such as going to bed at 2 o'clock in the morning and starting at 9 o'clock in the morning.

This is the habit, every day, and can guarantee 7 hours of sleep. This kind of situation is barely considered as staying up late, but it is not recommended.

  Because when it is time to go to bed, you are working (or in entertainment); when it is time to get up, you are sleeping; when it is time to eat breakfast, you missed a point, you can only have a full meal at noon, your body is always in a kind of Chaotic state.

Unless you can fully control your time and work, form your own "biological clock", and do it every day.

But in reality, few people can follow this rule, because there are too few people who can fully control their own time.

  Another situation is that sleep is not regular enough, sleep early and late, and the time is long and short, that is, sometimes fall asleep at 10 o'clock in the evening, sometimes fall asleep at 3 o'clock in the morning, sometimes sleep for 10 hours, sometimes sleep for 4 hours. It is more harmful than habitually going to bed late and getting up late-it makes your body unable to adapt, the "biological clock" is messed up, and over time, various health problems will appear.

A clock is fast and slow, and it is not far from being abandoned.

  Taking a nap is really not a tasteless nap

  Taking a nap is worthy of advocacy. Traditional Chinese medicine has suggested taking a "midnight nap" since ancient times.

"Zijue" refers to sleep at night, because 23:00-1:00 is the "child hour". It is quiet at night, so you should sleep well.

"Noon nap" of course refers to the noon nap.

  But how long is the right time for a nap?

It is recommended that within 30 minutes, the longest cannot exceed 1 hour.

Let's take a look at the results of these studies: The University of California, Berkeley, the study results pointed out that people lose part of the ability to absorb new knowledge every day. A nap can reverse this decline. A 10-minute nap is the best way to restore cognitive function. duration.

"Sleep Journal" pointed out that a 10-minute effective nap will greatly enhance the body's alertness.

The Harvard School of Public Health's study of 24,000 adults showed that compared with those who did not take a nap, those who took a nap were 40% less likely to die of heart disease.

These studies point out the benefits of a short nap.

At the same time, experts from the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom tracked 16,000 adult men and women in 13 years and found that the risk of death increased by 32% if the daytime nap time exceeds 1 hour.

It can be seen that a nap is very important, but it is not recommended to sleep for a long time.

  Why is this so?

Because 30 minutes after falling asleep, a person enters a deep sleep stage. At this time, the brain is in a state of inhibition, the blood flowing through the brain tissue is relatively reduced, and the metabolic process in the body is relatively reduced; but I have to go to work in the afternoon, so I have to sleep I was forced to get up when I got Zhengxiang.

At this time, the inhibition of the cerebral cortex has not been lifted, and there will be temporary autonomic dysfunction caused by insufficient blood supply to the brain, and symptoms of general discomfort, dizziness, and fatigue will appear.

Therefore, the nap time should not be too long, about 10 to 30 minutes is appropriate.

  Eating, drinking, and sleeping is the most basic form of life. Anything that goes wrong will cause health hazards.

The summary is: sleep when you should sleep, wake up when you wake up, don't stay up late, don't fall in love with bed, take a nap at noon, there is a secret to relaxation.

  Text/Zhao Runshuan (Beijing Xiaotangshan Hospital)