What symptoms indicate that you are drinking too little water?

What are the best vegetables and fruits suitable for hydration in the summer?

The answer is in this report.

Lack of drinking water causes many serious symptoms, as it exacerbates the diseases suffered by humans;

Therefore, these symptoms must be recognized and how to deal with them.

In this report, published by the Spanish magazine Cuerpomente, writer Claudina Navarro says that those who suffer from chronic diseases, or who suddenly develop severe symptoms - such as headaches, difficulties concentrating, colds, abdominal gases, abdominal pain and heartburn - can Most likely get rid of them or relieve symptoms by drinking more water.

The writer says that doctors in general talk about a lack of hydration when a person loses from 1% to 3% of his body mass in the form of water.

There are a number of symptoms and diseases that warn of the lack of this precious fluid, which plays a vital role in treating the body.

Symptoms that indicate that you are not drinking enough water:

bad breath

Water is necessary for the production of saliva, thus preventing the emission of bad odors and the reproduction of harmful bacteria, as well as damage to the teeth and gums.

The writer warns that dehydration of the body due to lack of water leads to all these annoying symptoms, and also causes infections in the mouth.

Constant feeling of tiredness, poor concentration and migraines

The writer stresses that the loss of 1% to 3% of body mass due to lack of water, can also affect brain functions, and lead to the emergence of headaches and migraine attacks.

An American study showed that 47% of participants who suffer from headaches, their condition improved with an increase in the amount of water they drank daily by adding 1.5 liters.

If you suffer from headaches, you can try drinking two glasses of water first, before taking the medicine.

weak immune system جهاز

If you have a weakened immune system, you may become more susceptible to infections.

Drinking more water will help you flush out toxins and boost your immune system's ability to fight bacteria and viruses.

Chronic constipation

Drinking a lot of water helps to improve intestinal activity, and soon you will suffer from constipation if you forget to drink water, given that the body derives this fluid largely from the waste that passes through the intestines.

In this case, the human excrement becomes dry and dry, and this makes going to the bathroom an uncomfortable experience.

But before resorting to a doctor or medications, the writer recommends increasing the amount of water you drink, and this may be enough in many cases to overcome these symptoms.


Lack of water can lead to cravings for sweets and other foods rich in carbohydrates.

So if you feel like eating chocolate or refreshments, the writer advises taking a glass of water and waiting a little, and after 10 minutes you may change your mind and decide to wait until it's time for a healthy meal.


The writer points out that drinking water regularly helps you lose weight for several reasons, including increasing the feeling of satiety and improving metabolism.

Drinking water is very effective for weight loss when it is done half an hour or an hour before meals.

Frequent urinary tract infection

When you do not drink enough fluids, your kidneys retain more water in order to continue their functions, and if this dehydration continues, the risk of stones forming in the kidneys increases.

Also, the bladder is not washed well when water is deficient, and thus bacteria colonize and urinary tract infections abound.

Vegetables and fruits that help with hydration

In the report published by the Russian website "FBRI" (fb.ru), writer Olga Simchenko presented a group of vegetables and grains that it is recommended to focus on in the diet during the summer, in order to avoid exposure to dehydration and thirst.


Watermelon is one of the most popular fruits when the temperature rises, as it keeps the body hydrated thanks to the fact that it contains about 91% water in its composition.

It also contains a lot of "Lycopen", which is a powerful antioxidant and beneficial for health by fighting free radicals that play a role in aging and the formation of cancer.


This type of vegetable can be used as a snack, and it is rich in water and nutrients.

Water represents 96.7% of the composition of the cucumber, which can be eaten alone, with salad, or in juice.


The berries have a sweet taste and can be used to prepare juice.

In general, in the summer there are other great options such as cherries and strawberries.

Berries can be added to salads, sweeteners, drinks and yogurt.

It provides the body with the nutrients it needs, is rich in water and protects against dehydration.


Tomatoes are very popular and have countless health benefits.

It is rich in lycopene, helps you feel full, and contains vitamin C.


This plant is rich in fiber and vitamins A and C.

Celery is also rich in water.

green pepper

This type of vegetable contains a large amount of water and vitamin C.

It is also rich in antioxidants.


Spinach contains about 91.4% water.

It is rich in potassium and fibre.

Spinach also contains vitamin E, which fights free radicals.