The youth is the most active and energetic force in the entire social forces. The hope of the country lies in the youth, and the future of the nation lies in the youth.

On the afternoon of June 18, the online theme publicity and interactive guidance activity of "Writing the Youthful Chapter on the Motherland" was launched in Beijing.

  General Secretary Xi Jinping has always been very concerned about the growth of young people.

On April 19, 2021, the General Secretary pointed out during an inspection tour at Tsinghua University: “The majority of young people must shoulder the historical mission, strengthen their confidence in going forward, make great ambitions, realize great virtues, become talents, and shoulder great responsibilities, and strive to become a mission worthy of national rejuvenation. Newcomers of the times, let youth bloom in the unremitting struggle for the motherland, the nation, the people, and the mankind."

  The general secretary also has many affectionate messages and in-depth expositions on young people's ambitions, great virtues, great talents, and great responsibilities.

study together!

  Make a big ambition

  The ideals and beliefs of young people are related to the future of the country.

Young people have lofty ideals and firm convictions, and they are the invincible driving force of a country and a nation.

In the new era, Chinese youth must establish lofty ideals.

  On May 4, 2013, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation China Academy of Space Technology to discuss with outstanding youth representatives from all walks of life and pointed out: “History and reality tell us that the young generation has ideals and responsibilities, and the country has With the future, the nation has hope, and the realization of our development goals will have a steady stream of powerful forces."

  On May 2, 2018, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in a discussion with Peking University teachers and students: “Every generation of youth has its own fortunes and opportunities. I remember that in 1981, Peking University students shouted together in Yanyuan, “Unite, revitalize The resounding slogan of'China', we still have to chant this slogan today, and we are united in fighting for the realization of the Chinese dream."

  On March 18, 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out at the school's ideological and political theory teacher seminar: "To learn, we must first resolve. If the aspiration is established, then the learning can be second. If you are not determined, it will not help.'"

  On April 30, 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in his important speech at the 100th Anniversary of the May Fourth Movement: “Youth’s lofty ambitions can stimulate the potential for forge ahead, and youth will not drift like a rudderless boat. As the saying goes,'Aspirational and sage is sacred, aspirational and virtuous are virtuous.' Young people will have different life goals and career choices, but they can only integrate their ego into the motherland’s great self and the people’s great self. Only by keeping pace with the times and sharing the destiny with the people can we better realize the value of life and enhance the realm of life."

  On April 19, 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized during an inspection tour at Tsinghua University: “The majority of young people must love the country and the people, inspire beliefs, gain inspiration, and draw strength from the party history learning, and continue to strengthen the'four self-confidence', and continue to strengthen being China. People's ambition, backbone, and confidence have established the firm ideal of eternally fighting for the motherland and the people, and dedicated to the people."

  On May 28, 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out at the 20th Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the 15th Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and the 10th National Congress of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology: Respect knowledge, talents, and the environment of creation, and form a trend of advocating science, so that more young people will have scientific dreams and aspirations for innovation."

  Ming Dade

  No one can stand without virtue.

Stopping at perfection is the unchanging pursuit of personality of the Chinese nation.

The modern socialist country we want to build must not only be strong materially, but also spiritually strong.

This requires Chinese young people in the new era to closely integrate correct moral cognition, conscious moral development, and active moral practice, constantly cultivate their moral character, lay a solid foundation for morality, and make their life path correct and go better far.

  In July 2013, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited the Institute of High Energy Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. During a discussion with researchers and teachers and students, he pointed out: "What is the purpose of learning? It is to give back the knowledge learned. Society, be a person useful to society, do something useful to society. Science knows no borders, but scientists have a motherland and must have a patriotic heart. Every Chinese should ultimately serve the country, the nation, and the people. This includes doing as much as possible to raise your parents. Many great scientists in our country have such noble qualities."

  On March 18, 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized at the school’s ideological and political theory teacher’s symposium: “To become a socialist builder and successor, you must establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life, and values, and align your personal values ​​with the party. It is closely linked to the future and destiny of the country."

  On April 30, 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out at the meeting to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the May Fourth Movement: “Chinese youth in the new era must consciously establish and practice the core socialist values, be good at absorbing moral nourishment from the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, and learn from heroes. Characters and models of the times feel the moral demeanor, promote moral cultivation from their own introspection, and consciously resist the wrong ideas of money worship, hedonism, extreme individualism, historical nihilism, etc. Pursue a more advanced, more realm, and more tasteful life, so that the breeze and righteousness and vigor and vitality can be spread throughout the whole society!"

  On September 17, 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the Yuelu Academy of Hunan University for investigation and research. In the face of the enthusiastic young students, General Secretary Xi Jinping deeply urged that the new era is an era of many heroes. The young people are just at the right time and hope Students live up to their youth, youth, and age, cherish time, study hard, master knowledge, establish a correct outlook on the world, life, and values, fasten the first button in life, take a good life path, and realize the Chinese nation Great Renaissance contributes ingenuity.

  On April 19, 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out during an inspection tour at Tsinghua University that the majority of young people “must temper their morals, consciously establish and practice the core values ​​of socialism, and consciously use Chinese excellent traditional culture, revolutionary culture, and advanced socialist culture. Soul, enlightenment and nourish the heart, strengthen moral cultivation, distinguish right from wrong, strengthen self-determination, and be determined to pursue a higher, more realm, and more tasteful life."

  Cheng Da Cai

  In today's era, the updating of knowledge is accelerating, the division of labor in society is becoming more and more refined, and new technologies, new models and new formats are emerging in an endless stream.

This not only provides a broad stage for young people to display their talents and competitive demeanor, but also puts forward new and higher requirements for young people's ability and quality.

In the new era, Chinese young people must cherish their youth, live up to their youth, strive to improve their internal qualities, and temper their skills, whether they are fulfilling their own ideals in life or taking on the sacred mission of the times.

  On April 30, 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in his important speech at the 100th anniversary of the May Fourth Movement: “Chinese youth in the new era must increase their sense of urgency in learning, be hungry and diligent in learning, and work hard to learn Marxist positions, viewpoints, and methods. Master scientific and cultural knowledge and professional skills, strive to improve humanistic literacy, increase knowledge and temper character in learning, increase talents and cultivate skills in work, serve the people with true talents, and contribute to the country with innovation and creation!"

  On February 21, 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping wrote back to the students of the Tibet University School of Medicine who were intern at Shougang Hospital, stating: “I hope you will cherish your study time, develop your hard skills, and go to the places where the people need it most after graduation. Benefit the people, especially the grassroots."

  On May 28, 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out at the 20th Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the 15th Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and the 10th National Congress of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology: “We must pay more attention to the cultivation of young talents and work hard. Cultivate a group of top scientific and technological talents with world influence, stably support a group of innovative teams, and cultivate more high-quality technical and skilled talents, skilled craftsmen, and artisans from great countries. Education in our country can cultivate masters, and we must have this confidence!"

  Take over

  Youth is the most sensitive barometer of the era. The responsibility of the era is given to the youth, and the glory of the era belongs to the youth.

To realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation requires the continuous struggle of generations of aspiring young people.

The party and the people have high hopes for the vast number of young people.

  On May 2, 2018, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in a discussion with teachers and students of Peking University: “The majority of young people are both dream chasers and dreamers. Dream chasing requires passion and ideals, and dreams require struggle and dedication. Young people should be struggling. To release the passion of youth and pursue the ideal of youth, with the self of youth and the self of struggle, pave the way for national rejuvenation and contribute to the construction of the motherland."

  On April 30, 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the May Fourth Movement: “On the new journey of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we must deal with major challenges, resist major risks, overcome major obstacles, and resolve major obstacles. Major contradictions urgently need the spirit of taking up the challenge and stepping forward. As long as young people are brave enough to shoulder heavy burdens, overcome difficulties, and fight risks bravely, socialism with Chinese characteristics can be full of vitality, stamina, and hope."

  On June 18, 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in a reply to all the students in the 2016 graduate championship class of Beijing Sport University: “China in the new era needs a mission and a spirit of struggle. I hope you will continue to take the lead. , Work hard, make more contributions to building a sports power, and deliver more positive energy to the society."

  On July 7, 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in a reply letter to the graduates of the Karamay campus of China University of Petroleum (Beijing): “This severe fight against the new crown pneumonia epidemic has given your college graduates a hard time. Gaining growth has also enabled you to experience the principle of “those who do not seek change will succeed, and those who do not take refuge will enter”. The road ahead will never be smooth sailing. The realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation requires generations of young people to work hard. Students are born at the right time and shoulder heavy responsibilities. I hope that the majority of college graduates across the country will be ambitious, down-to-earth, defying difficulties and obstacles, and bravely shoulder the mission of the times, integrate their personal ideals and pursuits into the party and the country's cause, and serve the party and the motherland. , Make more contributions to the people."

  On March 25, 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized during an inspection and survey at Fujian Minjiang College: “To achieve the second centenary goal and achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the responsibility of the young generation lies. I hope that students will establish lofty ideals and love greatness. The motherland, shoulder the responsibility of the times, bravely work hard, cultivate strong skills, temper morality, and strive to become a useful and moral person to society, and actively participate in the great cause of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way."

  On April 19, 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out during an inspection tour at Tsinghua University that the majority of young people “must be brave to innovate, have a deep understanding of the trend of the times and the needs of the country, dare to be the first, dare to make breakthroughs, contribute to the country with wisdom, and serve the country by pioneering and enterprising. Society. We must learn and work hard, be down-to-earth, work hard, tirelessly and eagerly, pursue excellence in climbing the peak of knowledge, act more than words when shouldering the important tasks of the times, and achieve a career in real work."

  Source: Qiushi Net Author: Xueer Shixi

  (Planning: Chen Yilin and Chai Xiaofan)